20 reasons why you should have a cat according to Twitter

Owning a cat comes with a lot of responsibilities. This is why parents don’t say “yes” right away whenever their kids ask them if they can get one.

However, owning a cat isn’t just about feeding, taking them to the vet, exercising, and looking after them. It actually comes with a lot of benefits. Being a cat owner may help reduce stress and anxiety. It keeps you active and helps you sleep better. Plus, it can also help reduce feelings of loneliness.

If those things don’t convince your parents to let you have a cat, show them this list. These top 20 reasons should help convince them right away. If 20 aren’t enough, this Twitter account has more.


1. They have nothing but love for you.

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Even if you leave them the entire day, they’d still walk up to you and greet you when you come home. They won’t even remember that you’re gone. Your presence is all that matters to them.

2. They’re like babies.

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They like it when you treat them like one. And the more you consider them like a baby, the more they’d act like one.

3. They can melt your heart.

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They can make even the toughest man go “awww” with their cuteness. And the most intriguing part? Cats aren’t even aware that they can do that.

4. They don’t make sense sometimes.

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And that’s perfectly fine. It what makes them super entertaining and amusing to watch.

5. They’re an excellent friend.

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They’re like your partner-in-crime. They’ll do whatever you’re doing. They’ll be with you wherever you go.

6. They’re stylish.

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You can dress them up and they won’t complain. And with the right treats, they will even pose for pictures.

7. They are magical creatures.

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Because of their history, cats are believed to be magical creatures. Although there’s no solid proof these days, there are random times where cats can be seen bewitching their humans. This photo is proof.

8. They get jealous – a lot.

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And it’s quite cute. They have no shame in showing their jealous face. They don’t even feel ashamed when they hit other cats for being so close to you.

9. They stick together.

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Cats like to do things together. They sleep, eat, and play with each other. And as a family, they like you to stick with them, too.

10. They’re super funny.

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Cats are hilarious creatures. Even without attempting, they can make you crack a smile easily.

11. There’s no dull day with them.

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They are always ready to make you laugh. Their goofy and weird personalities make them exciting to have around.

12. They won’t leave you alone.

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They are always with you and they will constantly remind you of their presence. Whenever you feel lonely, you can expect your cat to be there for you to comfort you.

13. They have different personalities.

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One of the best things about owning several cats is being exposed to their different personalities. Actually, it’s fun. The more you learn about them, the more fun being a cat owner becomes.

14. They appreciate everything you make.

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For them, everything you cook or bake taste awesome. You won’t even have to ask them to take a bite. They’re always ready to taste your food.

15. They are friendly with the neighbors.

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Since they’re always curious, they end up being close to other people. Most of the time, it’s the neighbors. Cats get so close to them that they even show up at their place uninvited.

16. They are awesome nap buddies.

Twitter/Should Have Cat Source: Twitter/Should Have Cat

Even if you’re not planning on taking a nap, you’ll find the idea inviting when you’re around them. They seem to sleep without caring about anything. They are always so relaxed and calm.

17. Their family is your family.

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They aren’t selfish. For them, their humans are their family and their kittens are yours.

18. They’re always curious.

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Cats like to explore their environment. As cat owners, it also encourages us to look around more.


19. They think you’re the most beautiful person around.

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It doesn’t matter what you think about yourself. For cats, you’re the most beautiful person and you should believe them.

20. They’re super fluffy.

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Admit it. One of the reasons why cats are awesome is their fluffy fur. They’re like pillows!

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Source: Bored Panda, Twitter
