Reporter covering story of stolen dog notices the same pup walking by

This reporter probably woke up that day not knowing her journalistic skills would save a dog’s life.

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Reporters are keen observers and know how to spot something wrong about a situation immediately.

They think quickly and can ask questions on the spot regarding the story they’re doing.

Sometimes, they bump into a circumstance or coincidence while doing their job, giving them a better story.

WHDH-TV’s Juliana Mazza was doing a stand-upper report about a lost dog.

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She was standing in front of the parking lot in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where the dog was last seen, when she saw something familiar.

A man in a black jacket, black joggers, and glasses was walking a brown and white pointer dog.

Her hunch was strong on this one, so she motioned her cameraman to start recording.

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Juliana wanted to make sure that she was right, so she started a conversation with the man.

“The first thing I did was I asked if I could pet the dog because I wanted to get down to the nametag to be able to confirm that the name matched the name of the missing dog,” Juliana told Inside Edition.

That’s some quick thinking right there!

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Maybe some people in the same situation couldn’t think of doing the same thing, but Juliana’s been trained to assess and observe some precautionary measures in times like this.

Once she confirmed that it was indeed the missing dog, she started asking questions.

The man stood there, baffled at Juliana’s questions about the dog.

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She asked why he had Titus and why he hadn’t called the owner since his number was on the dog’s tag.

He tried to give logical and cohesive answers to all her questions which turned out to be sour excuses.

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He said that he was walking a dog but “accidentally” got the wrong one, and he wanted to call the number, but his phone was broken.

Juliana pieced everything together because it had been more than 24 hours since Titus was reported as a lost dog, and if what the man said was true, it had been too long of a time for him not to call the owner, the police, or the shelter.

That’s when the keen reporter called the police.

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She identified herself and reported that she found the lost dog.

She also echoed what the man told her about how he got the dog all while he was standing there witnessing everything.

The police arrived minutes later and called the dog’s owner Greg Siesczkiewicz.

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They arrested the man, later identified as 29-year-old Kyle Gariepy, and he was charged with breaking into a motor vehicle and larceny.

What transpired after was the emotional reunion of Greg and Titus.

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Greg hugged the poor dog while crying, happy to be reunited.

You can tell that Titus felt the same with how fast he wagged his tail seeing his favorite human!

On the other hand, what seemed like an ordinary workday for Juliana made her the hero of this story.

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“Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that I would be the one to find the dog,” she said.

Find out more about this fantastic story in the video below!

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Source: YouTube – Inside Edition, Inside Edition
