Rescue dog who has autoimmune disease is proof that beauty comes from within

Inner beauty shines the brightest. You don’t need to have a beautiful face just to be called beautiful. A line from a famous song even said, “I am beautiful no matter what they say. Words can’t bring me down.”

And this rescue dog is the best example of what inner beauty is all about.

Meet Phoenix, a dog who was abandoned and became a stray.

He always got people’s attention whenever he roamed the streets in search of food. But as soon as people got a closer look at his face, their desire to help him out would suddenly vanish. Because of this, he was often referred to as “freakish” or even “horrifying.”

It was indeed sad because, just like any other dog, all he ever wanted was to be loved and be adored.

The good thing was not all saw him that way. There were still some people who were happy to look beyond his face and give him the help that he needed.

And that help finally arrived…

People working with the Skiatook Paws & Claws Animal Rescue in Oklahoma didn’t need to think twice about helping Phoenix.

It all started when they received a call reporting about his situation. His looks didn’t bother them, not at all. They promised to help the poor dog the same way that they would any other dog.

When the rescue team first saw Phoenix, they knew that he’d been with a human companion before.

However, it also showed that his previous owners didn’t do anything about his condition, thus resulting in him being in an even worse situation.

It was evident that he’d been neglected, unwanted, and abandoned by some heartless humans. Poor guy.

But what really happened to him?

“He was skin and bones. You could see all his ribs. [He was] just so inflamed that he couldn’t close his eyes. He had so much swelling and inflammation in his face,” Carisa Ducharne from Skiatook Paws & Claws said.

According to the rescue team, they still have no idea as to what caused Phoenix’s unique physical appearance.

He’s still beautiful though and, in fact, when he was found he wasn’t shy being with humans, not even a bit. His dark and painful past didn’t turn him into the monster that other people see in him, he is completely the opposite.

Skiatook Paws & Claws post regular updates about Phoenix’s healing progress.

He’s gained people’s hearts with a beauty like no other. Help came pouring in not out of pitty, but because many admired his courage and his true beauty. The kind community helped him cover the growing pile of his medical bills.

Family Animal Medicine has been doing whatever it can to help Phoenix in any way possible. One big part of their help was discovering that he most likely has an autoimmune disease, although they’re not quite sure which one yet.

The good news is that he has shown nothing but improvements from the very first day that he set foot in their facility.

“He’s done nothing but improve every single day,” said Ducharne. “I wouldn’t say this is intentional trauma, but neglect is also abuse, and he was without a doubt neglected.”

The dog lovers in the community have done nothing but show tremendous support to Phoenix.

They are even coming closer to finding him a new forever home as the adoption requests come pouring in.

The rescue team was happy to witness the enormous help coming from the community, and are especially thankful to those who’ve shown interest in adding Phoenix to their family.

Although this is the case, they explained that it may take a while before they entertain adoption requests. Before anything else, they want him to be completely healthy first.

If you are interested in helping Phoenix with his medical bills, you may extend your help by going to Skiatook Paws & Claws Animal Rescue.

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Source: The Animal Rescue Site, Skiatook Paws & Claws Animal Rescue
