Rescue dog brings house down at Crufts with uniquely off-track freestyle run

Kratu the rescue dog shows up to play with no concern of winning the prize.

Tessa, Kratu’s current and loving trainer, decided to enter him into the annual Crufts agility competition. She thought at four years old, Kratu could certainly handle the course, especially since she had taken over with his training. They loaded up in the car and headed to the show. Soon enough, it was Tessa and Kratu’s turn to show the audience and, more importantly, the judges, what they could do on the course.

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Within the first few seconds, Kratu decides there are far more important things to do besides perform the course.

Kratu clears the first jump like a pro. Immediately after heading to the next jump, he decides to hang a sharp right dodging the obstacle completely to sniff around instead.

He looks up as if to say, “Hey mom, I thought you said I was going to be the only dog? I can smell others mom!

Then he turns and remembers what he is there to do.

He returns to the second jump and clears it with ease, then moves onto the next. He leaps over the third in perfect stride, making believers out of everyone. Then the dog psychs Tessa out and runs over to the nice ladies in pink on the sideline. He rushes over and brushes himself against one of them, (maybe to see if he could get some love) but when the three ladies show no interest he bolts right out of there.

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By this time the commentator, judges, and audience are having a ball with Kratu’s absolute disinterest in running the course the way it is designed to be run. Though, we’re not quite sure Tessa was feeling the same.

Either way, Kratu was going to do it his way or no way at all! Tessa tries to get him over the next hurdle and he decides to pass it by. Then, he jumps the wrong way over the hurdle before clearing it in the right direction. Pretty darn hilarious, this dog.

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Next is the weave.

The happy-go-lucky rescue dog completely ignores the fact that Tessa is trying to gently assist him through the obstacle. He pushes past the weave and heads for the tunnel. Surely he will make it all the way through.

He is clearly way too big to turn around in such tight quarters, right? Wrong!

Kratu heads in while Tessa runs to the other side, only to turn himself around and come back out through the “in” door. This dog is a straight-up comedian.

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By this time in the show, Kratu had stolen the hearts of the entire audience.

The crowd was laughing and cheering at his hilarious sense of humor. He makes it through the rest of the course a little better, making one little pit stop when he sees the single guy leaning up against the wall. Kratu runs over, giving him a quick sniff. I don’t think he had any treats in his pocket, by the way that Kratu bolted off.

The dog then jumps one more hurdle and decides he is done.

He looks at Tessa as if to say “All done mom, let’s go home!

The whole spectacle is just too adorable to describe in words alone and is really something you have to see for yourself. Luckily, there’s no shortage of footage of the Baron’s off-track performance.

To see his unique freestyle dog show at the Crufts 2018 Rescue Dog Agility Run, watch the hilarious video below. Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Crufts/Global News
