Rescue pit bull can’t stop “talking” to new owner

Have you ever spent the weekend at home alone, and when you finally go out to meet your friends, your mouth can’t move quickly enough to say everything that’s on your mind? Now imagine you’re a rescue pup, and you’re finally adopted by an owner you can share your joy with. An situation that requires even more talking, I’m sure we’ll all agree!

Maisy the pitbull had grown up in isolation. She’d had to quickly get used to a life without much human interaction, as she spent the first three years of her life outside in a kennel, after having an accident indoors. The owners intended to use her for breeding only.

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Poor Maisy soon became an annoyance. She didn’t become pregnant with puppies, and her family decided that she was nothing more than a waste of space.

Speaking to The Dodo, Maisy’s new owner, Marissa Elbert, said: At that point, they were like, ‘Well, she’s a waste of money to feed. She’s so ugly, nobody’s gonna want her. We’ll just put her down.’” Talk about terrible parenting.

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But a family friend heard what they were planning and decided that Maisy deserved the right to live. They drove her to the local shelter – and thank goodness they did, as this is where Maisy’s happy story begins.

Despite Maisy having no proper social experience with humans, the shelter still believed she could find her fur-ever home. But there was a problem – they couldn’t afford to keep her. They posted a picture of her on social media, and when one of Elbert’s friends tagged her in it, it was love at first sight.

Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo Source: Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo

As it turned out, Elbert was in a bit of a dark place herself. She was grieving the loss of not only her parents, but her previous dog. In a way, this made Maisy and Elbert a good match. They were both going through a rough patch in life. They needed one another.

Elbert paid a visit to the dog shelter, and it was then that she discovered Maisy’s special talent: talking!

Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo Source: Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo

Maisy could make adorable little “woo-woo” noises that sounded just like conversation. She did it when she was happy – as she clearly was when she met Elbert. Elbert decided to adopt her right there on the spot.

Speaking about her decision, she said: “Maisy’s woo-ing was something that made me adopt her. She does it when she’s extremely happy or excited. She’s so chatty and we talk all the time.”

Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo Source: Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo

Now, both Maisy and Elbert are living out their happy ending. The pair are each other’s best friends. They take long walks together, hang out at home, and keep each other company day through night.

The best thing about living with Maisy is that Elbert can even have “conversations” with her!

Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo Source: Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo

“It’s hilarious. The first day when I brought her home, we went down the driveway and I threw some balls for her and she was woo-ing on the way up, woo-ing on the way down. She was just so happy. It’s like she knew she was home,” Elbert said.

Of course, for Maisy, the adjustment process took some getting used to. Being a neglected pup, even being allowed inside the house, playing with toys and having cuddles were new to her. But the happy fluffer was soon loving every aspect of her new life, and the love and freedom that came with it.

Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo Source: Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo

She’s even BFFs with her adorable cat sibling, Motor, and Elbert’s two horses! And then, in February, Elbert adopted Maisy’s stepbrother, a new pitbull called Andy. Andy’s start to life hadn’t been great either, but he’s now part of a happy, loving family.

Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo Source: Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo
Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo Source: Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo

You can check out Elbert’s Instagram account for more adorable pictures of her adopted family. We’d imagine life is full of fun and adventure with so many furry friends to keep you company!

Watch the video below to learn the full story about Maisy’s amazing journey.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube/ The Dodo, Animal Channel, Instagram/ maisythebarnhippo
