Rescue team finds baby chimp inside cardboard box with only a tattered cloth for comfort

It’s perplexing how, despite all the information we can access on the internet, people still refuse to accept that wild animals have no place in residential areas.

Instead of being content with adopting cats and dogs, some find ways to own wild animals and claim them as pets.

Pexels - Brett Sayles Source: Pexels - Brett Sayles

This does absolutely nothing for innocent creatures.

Animals suffer greatly because of people’s selfishness. That’s why it’s always comforting to know that there are still others who dedicate their time to raising awareness and making sure more animals are rescued.

Pexels - International Fund For Animal Welfare Source: Pexels - International Fund For Animal Welfare

Chance is a baby chimpanzee who suffered under the care of owners who insisted on keeping her as a pet.

Fortunately, the Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection team received an anonymous tip about the poor chimp.

When they went to the location, they saw Chance sitting in a cardboard box, holding onto a piece of tattered clothing.

The LCRP team had no idea how the owners were able to get their hands on Chance.

But one thing was sure: the baby chimp’s mother was killed.

The owners were evidently clueless about chimpanzees, judging from how Chance was simply left in the corner.

Moreover, the team knew something terrible had to happen before the owners could take Chance home.

Jenny Desmond, the founder of LRCP, told The Dodo:

“We know her mother was killed. One cannot acquire a baby chimpanzee without first killing his or her mother and other nearby adult family members.”

Chance was only a year old when the team found her.

Without a mother, she was not getting the care and nutrition she needed.

After further observation, the rescue team confirmed that the baby chimp went through quite an ordeal.

Chance would often rock back and forth, cling to the tattered cloth, and have a vacant look in her eyes – all of which were clear indicators of stress, trauma, and lack of attention.

Facebook - Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue Source: Facebook - Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue

The baby chimp was underdeveloped for her age and had fluid build-up on her head.

The LCRP team was quick to remove Chance from the unfortunate situation.

They replaced the tattered cloth with a warm blanket and gave her the love and care she needed and deserved.

It didn’t take long before they saw progress.

Chance soon started to stand up and hold her arms out, asking to be held.

She stopped rocking, became less dependent on the security blanket, and showed significant signs of recovery.

She would even laugh and smile, which filled everyone’s hearts with delight.

It was heartwarming to see Chance go from scared and deprived of nourishment and love to confident, happy, and affectionate.

Chance will stay with the LRCP team until she’s ready to be introduced to other orphaned chimps.

The team wants to ensure she’s well-adjusted and that she goes at the best pace.

Desmond shared:

“Returning to the wild, known as reintroduction, is a long and complex process, and while we dream of this, it is not simple or assured. There is hope for chimpanzee reintroduction in Liberia as chimpanzees naturally occur here, and there are still large tracts of forest remaining. Reintroduction involves many factors and multiple groups and experts to assess and determine feasibility.”

Watch the video below for a glimpse of the adorable baby chimp, Chance!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Dodo, Facebook – Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue
