Saved from near-death, chimp hugs caretakers before she's released back into the wild

When an animal goes through any sort of trauma or distress, it’s always upsetting to learn about. This is especially the case when the animal is close to death.

Luckily, the majority of animal rescue stories have a happy ending. While the animal may have experienced pain and suffering, this is replaced by love and care – and, finally, freedom once more.

This was exactly what happened with one chimp, Wounda, who was released back into the wild after an experience that nearly left her dead.

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Wounda was just one of the hundreds of wild animals that can be found in the Republic of Congo. She was rescued and taken in by the Jane Goodall Institute Rehabilitation Center in Tchindzoulou, which holds 160 sick or injured chimps at a time.

Poor little Wounda was having a bit of a tough time in the wild. She had accumulated quite a few injuries, and was seriously ill, which caused her to lose a lot of weight.

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At first, doctors at the center didn’t know if she was ever going to get better. The name they gave her, “Wounda”, even roughly translates to “close to die”.

But little Wounda astounded doctors. She made it through her darkest days, and, with the care and support from the volunteers at the rehabilitation center, returned to full health.

It’s always an exciting time for staff when they can release a chimp back into the wild, and in Wounda’s case, they decided to film the moment as it happened.

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In the video, Wounda can be seen being loaded in a crate on the back of a truck, to travel to a suitable environment for her to roam free once more. She is surrounded by Jane Goodall volunteers, all of whom had looked after her and nursed her back to health.

The crate with Wounda inside is gently lifted to the ground, and one of her carers blows kisses at her through the bars. Wounda’s hand reaches out to touch the woman’s – it really is an emotional exchange.

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Wounda’s journey isn’t over yet! The crew switch from road to water, transporting Wounda by boat to the depths of a rainforest. They haul the crate deep into the thick of the forest… and then it’s finally time for the chimp and her carers to part ways.

What happens next is truly beautiful. The door to the crate is slowly lifted away, and Wounda rushes out, clearly over-the-moon to be back in the wild.

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But she doesn’t just run off into the distance. She hangs back and gives her old carer a hug, as if to thank her for everything she’s done.

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Only then does Wounda climb up onto her crate and stare in wonder at the forest around her. Maybe she thought she’d never be in such an environment ever again. She stops to give her other carer a long hug.

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Then finally, after saying her goodbyes, she heads off into the wild.

She explores the land, climbing trees, stopping to snack on her favorite foods. She’s clearly in her element!

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We’re sure this is a day Wounda’s rescuers will never forget, and hopefully, there will be more happy moments to come in the future. At the time the video was released, the Jane Goodall Institute Rehabilitation Center had given freedom to 15 chimpanzees, and hoped to release another 60 rescued chimps going forward.

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Hats off to all the volunteers involved – what an incredible way to support the country’s natural wildlife. You can check out the full emotional video for yourself below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Animal Channel, The Jane Goodall Institute
