Wild elephant returns to sanctuary that saved her life to introduce them to her newborn

Elephants are known to have an excellent memory.

Pexels|Rachel Claire Source: Pexels|Rachel Claire

According to studies, they don’t have the best eyesight, but they will undoubtedly remember a face when they see one. This is what makes elephant reunions so joyful to watch, as their euphoria of meeting a familiar face seems to be infectious.

This elephant’s recent visit to her human keepers is a proof of that.

YouTube Screenshot|Sheldrick Trust Source: YouTube Screenshot|Sheldrick Trust

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust rescued a 5-month-old elephant which they named Loijuk – after the dried-out swamp in Samburu, Kenya, where they found her last 2006. They set her free when she was old enough to roam on her own.

But even with such freedom, she still goes back to her old sanctuary.

Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Source: Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

According to Sheldrick Wildlife Trust’s Executive Director Rob Brandford, Loijuk stayed close in their area, allowing SWT’s keepers to keep an eye on her. They also checked up on her on how she’s getting on.

In September 2019, she went back to the sanctuary and brought someone special.

Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Source: Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Loijuk arrived in Ithumba Stockades to surprise everyone; she brought her firstborn named Lili. Rob Brandford also said it was the perfect timing and decision for Loijuk to go to the shelter since it was the peak of the dry season and wasn’t a favorable condition for a newborn.

There, Lili met her mother’s human keepers, who were glad to take care of her.

Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Source: Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Head Keeper Benjamin Kyalo stayed close to both mother and child to make sure they were adequately tended. He helped them by making sure they got the proper diet and other supplements. Loijuk also gave Benjamin the freedom to interact with Lili.

Aside from Benjamin, other calves also got to know Lili and see her up close.

Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Source: Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

SWT was not surprised that Loijuk thought to return to their sanctuary but was glad that she brought them her newborn. It’s as if she was proud to show them her baby and give them the utmost respect and recognition as her human family.

In their Facebook post, the SWT recalled that these are one of the most rewarding moments.

Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Source: Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

“It was these moments that Daphne (Sheldrick), who founded the SWT, found the most rewarding of all, particularly as new mums choose to share their precious bundles with us, and are always so trusting and gracious with their human family, never forgetting the kindness, love, and compassion shown and shared with them in their time of need.”

The wildlife sanctuary is also happy that Lili came along.

Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Source: Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

They said they were always worried about the elephant population going down, especially with poaching going on and still rampant in the area. A new addition like Lili is always welcome in their sanctuary and something worth celebrating.

Lili was the 31st grandchild that SWT knew of out of all the elephants they rescued.

Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Source: Facebook|Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

They took note of those they rescued and freed with the hopes that they come back and bring with them a new member of the family – just like Loijuk did. They are more than happy to take care of the young ones until they are old enough to wander by themselves.

Watch this video to know more about this momentous reunion at SWT.

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Source: Sheldrick Trust YouTube Channel, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Website, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust Facebook Page
