Pit bull saved from dog-fighting ring gets his first treat ever and 'loses his mind'

Animal fighting is the worst kind of ‘sports’ one could take part in. Just imagine pitting innocent animals against each other.

What goes behind the seriously heartbreaking violent acts are animals being bred, conditioned, and trained to fight all in the name of entertainment and profit.

In dogfighting, similar to all kinds of animal fighting, two dogs fight until the other can no longer move or even stand.

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That is why saving animals from their ‘owners’ is one of my favorite hero stories – to see animals live their best lives away from violence, pain, and fear; away from broken bones, bruising, and cuts; as they recover from physical and emotional trauma.

Meet Mighty Finn.

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Battered and bruised, Finn was rescued from dogfighters in 2016. He didn’t know how to receive and give love.

All Finn needed to be mighty is his new owners who didn’t give up on him.

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In Finn’s Facebook Page, we are given a preview of Finn’s adorable reaction to his very first pizza.

Man, was he excited! After getting his first piece-zza, he just couldn’t contain the excitement and happiness inside him as he ran across the room dropping crumbs.

Facebook Screenshot Source: Facebook Screenshot

It was funny how he came to eat all the crumbs he dropped around.

And then there was the second and third pieces. His cutest reaction melted the hearts of many netizens.

Facebook screenshot Source: Facebook screenshot

Let’s just hope that Mighty Finn is now able to live a life full of as he moves forward from his past.

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So what’s been done to stop dog fighting?

Animal protection organizers like the RSPCA are making it their mission to monitor and uncover organized animal cruelty, such as dogfighting. You can also call up these charities in complete confidence if you suspect anyone you know is an illegal dogfighter.

Donating to these animal protection companies is also a good way to do your bit to ensure that more rescue dogs can get their happy ending like Finn.

Watch the happy moment in the video below.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: The Mighty Finn
