Tiny puppy rescued from a puppy mill is introduced to his very first friend

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if every person realized that animals have feelings, too? No creature big or small would be mistreated or abandoned. especially during moments where they’re put in unfamiliar situations or strange, new environments.

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Ruggles is a Shih-Tzu puppy rescued from a puppy mill.

No bigger than an adult’s hand, Ruggles had quite a rough start.

Imagine how cold and stressful a puppy mill is for an innocent dog. They simply crave warmth, comfort, and care.

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The Humane Society of the United States defines a puppy mill as,

“…an inhumane high-volume dog breeding facility that churns out puppies for profit, ignoring the needs of the pups and their mothers. Dogs from puppy mills are often sick and unsocialized. Puppy mills commonly sell through internet sales, online classified ads, flea markets and pet stores. In fact, the majority of puppies sold in pet stores and online are from puppy mills. Responsible breeders will be happy to meet you in person and show you where the puppy was born and raised—and where their mom lives too.”

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Rescuers from Cherokee County Animal Shelter were able to bring him home and take care of him.

And understandably so, Ruggles was scared and anxious throughout it all. Imagine being put in yet another place with people you’ve never seen before.

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But the shelter knew exactly how to put Ruggles at ease.

And it involved another adorable furry friend – Chompers the kitten.

Chompers was found under a porch when she was only two days old which meant she, too, needed to feel the comfort that only proper care and friendship could bring.

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That’s why the two adorable creatures hit it off almost immediately. Both curious and playful, the two were recorded bonding over toys and eventually playing with each other. It looked like the start of a wonderful friendship, one that would ease the trauma of a past worth forgetting.

From meek and wary to confident and curious, the two continued to thrive.

It took only a few months for Ruggles and Chompers to transform into a healthier, happier pair.

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No more shrinking away from people or shying away from other animals – Ruggles developed into a handsome puppy who overcame severe health issues. His transformation was so amazing that it didn’t take long for a loving family to find him.

He was even named the official ambassador of the Cherokee County Animal Shelter!

What a way to bounce back. As ambassador, Ruggles’ duties include visiting schools to educate kids about shelter dogs and puppy mills.

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The only slightly disappointing bit about the wonderful story of Chompers and Ruggles is the fact that they weren’t adopted by the same family. However, Chompers did find a loving, new home for herself, too. If you need more assurance, here’s what was written by the uploader:

“For those wondering why they were not adopted together… that was the shelter’s original plan, but Chompers (true to her name!) became too rough with little Ruggles, and due to his health problems, it was determined that it was in both of the animals’ best interest to be adopted separately. They are both happy and very much loved!”

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Here’s hoping Chompers and Ruggles inspire more people to adopt pets instead of purchasing from breeders.

Watch the adorable video below!

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Source: YouTube – VS Positively, The Humane Society of the United States
