Rescued Shar Pei gets a 'face lift' to solve his eyesight problems

The sheer number of cute, wacky, and recognizable dog breeds we have are all thanks to selective breeding. But selective breeding has proven to be a double-edged sword. While it can produce some of the friendliest, most loyal, protective dogs out there, it can also make living difficult for some of them.

You’ve probably heard of it before. Breeds with hip problems, breathing issues from brachycephaly, or too many wrinkles in this case here.

This is Reggie, a Shar Pei whose wrinkles ended up being a massive problem for him.

The Shar Pei is one of the most unique-looking dog breeds you might ever see. Its excessively wrinkly skin is what makes the breed. The breed originated in China, but no one knows anything more.

Reggie here was rescued from terrible living conditions, and he had a couple things to show for it.

Shar Peis are already prone to numerous health problems, owing to the decades of selective breeding behind them. With all those genes inherited and passed around, there’s bound to be a lot of health problems for the dogs.

Pexels - Evelyn Source: Pexels - Evelyn

When they found him, Reggie had some nasty skin sores and overall poorly maintained skin.

Developing more health problems is the last thing you need when you’re already genetically prone to several. But this is the reality of many “purebred’ dogs. It’s why many people recommend getting a mixed-breed dog if you can.

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Reggie had to be observed 24/7 to see if his situation would improve. Unfortunately, it did not.

Despite everyone’s best hopes, the various infections Reggie had developed began affecting his eyes.

The poor Shar Pei was now having trouble seeing. What were they to do now?


Reggie was too young for his life to end up like this. What good is having a forever home and dog treats if you can’t see them?

Treatment just wasn’t cutting it. They needed to turn to a more effective solution.

Pexels - Tina Papai Source: Pexels - Tina Papai

But what could you possibly do when all of that didn’t work? Well, the answer is a bit of cosmetic surgery.

Yes, Reggie had to go under the knife a bit for this one. They gave him a facelift!

But this was to save his eyesight, not make him look more glamorous (though that ended up happening anyway as a bonus).

The RCPSA shared the results of the procedure on Facebook. Look at Reggie now!

Of course, the scars and stitches took a while to heal. But it was all worth it, and Reggie is ready to be a normal dog again.

There’s nothing wrong with losing a few wrinkles if it means being able to see. Besides, Reggie’s got no shortage of wrinkles – in case you couldn’t tell.

And things ended pretty well for Reggie, who found his forever home just a month later!

The RCPSA Brighton Facebook page shared the wonderful news a few days ago, on the 13th of August.

He looks ready to fit into his new home. We’re proud of you, Reggie!

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Source: RCPSA Brighton on Facebook,
