Rescuers find paralyzed malnourished dog and free her from life chained to tree

It is always heartbreaking to learn of the cruel and horrible ways that some people treat dogs. Some people just have no empathy whatsoever for the suffering of animals.

Workers from the rescue organization Dallas Dog RRR are faced with such situations all too often. This story involves a paralyzed and malnourished dog who had been left chained to a tree.

She was unable to reach her food or water bowls.

The poor girl would use her front legs to drag her back end. It was clear she was in a tremendous amount of discomfort.

Rescuers contact animal control and police for help.

The poor dog looked as though she was in need of immediate medical attention. How could someone have just left a poor dog in this condition?

A local animal control officer helped to unchain the dog. They decided to name her Ottilia or Tillie for short.

The rescue took her to be examined by a veterinarian immediately.

“She is paralyzed and overheated… her temperature was 103.7 when she arrived at the vet. We have done blood work, x-rays and an exam. She is slightly anemic, her white count is low and she’s very dehydrated,” the rescue posted about the girl.

Medical evaluation is taken.

The vet did a battery of tests on Ottilia but was originally unable to determine the source of her paralyzation.

She had ticks on her ears but tests for fungal or tick disease came back negative.

“We have done blood work, xrays and exam. She is a slightly anemic, white count is low and dehydrated. The doctor does not seem a fracture or trauma to the spine he mentioned possible fungal infection, tick disease despite the test being negative. We are sending blood work out and they have recommended a biopsy of the bone. We are working on her getting her to Dallas to see our doctors as soon as we can arrange it.”

Cause of paralyzation discovered.

It took many months, but doctors eventually discovered that the cause of her paralyzation was bacteria from bird droppings.

Unfortunately, they were told she would likely never regain the use of her back legs.

Tillie proved all the doctors wrong, however, and began to thrive in foster care.

“Not long after entering a foster home, Tillie started to move her back legs a little here and there. Eventually, Ottilia was WALKING on them and then progressed to RUNNING! What an amazing blessing this was!” the rescue organization wrote.

Ottilia is now happy and healthy.

Amazingly, this story has a happy ending. Ottilia is a happy and healthy dog who loves to run and play with toys.

From being malnourished, unable to move her back legs, and seemingly neglected and unloved, Ottilia is now leading a life full of joy and love.

“Today, Ottilia is the most affectionate dog in the world who absolutely adores all people. She plays with toys and we can’t believe she was once paralyzed because she has a ton of energy and loves to run!”

She’s still looking for a forever home but she’s having a fun and loving life in foster care.

Learn more about this incredible story in the video below!

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Source: Facebook – Dallas Dog RRR/Dallas Dog RRR
