Rescuers get the biggest doggy smile after freeing dog weighed down by heavy chain

We’ve all had to carry our fair share of burdens. Though I’d imagine it’d be a lot harder if you only weighed 30 pounds. This abandoned dog had a lot of weight tied to her neck.

She was left behind and had to keep the thing on.

When Stray Rescue of St. Louie came along to rescue her, she came walking out with clear difficulty in her legs.

YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Official Source: YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Official

The chain was clearly way too heavy for her.

Though we think of chains as light enough to carry with one hand, the reality is that chains can get pretty large. The type you use to seal fences, for example, can weigh a couple of dozen pounds per set.

YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Official Source: YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Official

This chain looked closer in size to those kinds of chains than the type you’d use for a small dog. Remember those chains they tied Aladdin with to make sure he’d sink to the bottom of the lake?

Yeah, chains are a lot heavier than they look.

YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Source: YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis

And this dog was left in an old lot with several abandoned cars. Really seems like all the company she had was concrete and metal. She barked nonstop when approached because she had no clue they were here to free her.

Since she was wary of strangers (which he had every right to be), the rescue worker had to drop some food for her.

A few good-tasting snacks can always calm someone down.

Well, the treats worked. She took them and followed the rescue worker into the vehicle shortly after. They got to the shelter, and the worker helped the dog out of the car.

As she pulled the chain out from the car, you could hear the weight and length of it as it bumped and slid past the jeep’s inner panels.

YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Source: YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis

The chain weighed nearly as much as the dog did.

Whoever decided to keep a dog and put a chain this heavy around them shouldn’t be allowed near any other dogs.

YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Source: YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Things were about to turn upside down for the dog once they reached the shelter. She was about to feel something she hadn’t felt in ages.

The rescue worker removed those horrible chains from her neck, and the feeling must have been incredible.

When they weighed the chains, they found out that they weighed nearly 10 pounds. Fallon Marie only weighed around 30 pounds herself. How heartbreaking that someone left her like that.

“There we go. See? That’s better huh?”

YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Source: YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis

We’re used to saying “A weight’s been lifted off my shoulders”, though I’m sure a chain being taken off your neck feels pretty similar. It might have been ages since this dog remembered what it was like to be free.

Her face, once she was freed, is worth a whole paragraph. They named her Fallon Marie.

She’s got the smile and demeanor of a happy, thankful dog now. Of course, we’ve got Stray Rescue of St. Louis to thank for this. They found her alone and in chains, and they gave her freedom and hope.

YouTube screenshot- Stray Rescue of St. Louis Source: YouTube screenshot- Stray Rescue of St. Louis

Stray Rescue of St. Louis absolutely knows what they’re doing. Their YouTube channel is full of rescues and dog-handling demonstrations.

Countless dogs have had better lives thanks to them, and Fallon Marie won’t be the last one.

YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis Source: YouTube screenshot - Stray Rescue of St. Louis

See Fallon Marie’s chains-to-freedom story in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Stray Rescue of St. Louis on YouTube, Stray Rescue of St. Louis on Facebook
