Stray cat’s favorite place is a restaurant, so staff decides to go above and beyond

There is one very special staff member walking around in a Denny’s restaurant in Eugene, Oregon, and he actually has four legs. For more than a decade, the restaurant has had a stray cat as a loyal visitor, and it just seemed like this was his absolute favorite place to hang out. After a while, the staff over there started recognizing him, so they called him Dennys, or Denns, for short.

Jeremiah Hufft Source: Jeremiah Hufft

Shortly after it became clear that this stray four-footer visited the restaurant often, the staff members did something special for the poor animal. When the cat arrived at the restaurant for the first time, he was completely frightened and in need of some food, water, and warmth.

The restaurant staff set provided him with some food and water because they just thought that he was a lost kitten.

However, this absolutely adorable feline kept coming back, and after a while, he just never seemed to leave. Denns has been a regular visitor for years, and even though a lot of staff members and even customers tried to bring him home, the cat always felt more home at the restaurant itself.

Denns has his own setup on the outside of the building, with food, water and a warm place to sleep.

Laura Leader Source: Laura Leader

The cat was quickly known amongst the customers, and he received numerous upgrades to his outdoor area over the years. Denns had a home outside a home and he absolutely loves it. Customer Laura Leader recalls when she first met Denns years ago, and she can’t praise the restaurant enough for giving him a warm place to stay. They basically “adopted” him, and it’s just heartwarming and cool to see. Laura and other customers also support Denns and offer to help with food and items on a regular basis.

“This abandoned little cat has won over so many hearts so thoroughly. The restaurant adopted him. Patrons built him a house. New blankets are brought to him regularly. Someone brings their own personal heating lamp for him in the winter. All of his needs are met — he is cared for dearly. He is seen regularly by a vet, and he is constantly supervised,” Laura said to The Dodo.

As for the cat itself, he’s a real cutie with an affectionate personality and is loved by everyone.

“He is a very chill and content cat. Sometimes he’ll come up to you, rubbing on your legs,” Laura added. “It definitely changes the entire experience.”

Denns has even become quite the local attraction, as plenty of cat lovers visit the restaurant especially to take a look at this cute cat.

Laura Leader Source: Laura Leader

Even though he lives outside of the restaurant, the shelter staff is taking extremely good care of him – especially now that he’s gotten a bit older. He gets frequent vet visits and a staff member checks on him every single day. They wouldn’t want to miss Denns for the world.

“He always has a loving eye on him. Everyone here cares, and they always have more love to give. And the remarkable thing about Mr. Denns is that he gives that love right back. It’s a huge, beautiful loop that demonstrates the relationships between humans and animals, and also from human to human. To see that we can show this kind of kindness to a loving animal, perhaps we can show it to each other?”

Laura Leader Source: Laura Leader

This stray and lonely cat found a loving home in an unlikely place. How adorable!

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Source: The Dodo, iHeartcats
