Tiny ring bearer completely steals the show at couple’s wedding

It’s always a risk to involve children in a wedding. They’re impatient and unpredictable, they’re both eager to be the center of attention and easily suffer from stage fright, and they don’t really get the concept of a solemn occasion. So we’re always curious when someone taps a tot to be their flower girl or ring bearer.

Once you decide you’re going to go for the cute look with a tiny little suit or little poofy dress, you have to accept that anything can happen.

A viral video

Matt Hronik has about 3 dozen videos on his YouTube account, but only 1 has drawn nearly half a million viewers. It’s titled “Ringbearer Entrance,” so it’s pretty clear what’s going to happen.

Or is it?

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

Most of these videos are meltdowns or attention grabs that are only funny later but largely mortifying at the time. But let’s just say one little ringbearer really warmed up the crowd for the bride.

And after all, isn’t that what they’re supposed to do? Give people something to “aww” at or smile about so that when the bride comes out the suspense is built?

Frankly, we wonder what the bride was thinking when she came out and saw all of her relatives red in the face.

The little wedding party

As the tiny ring bearer and flower girl emerge from the back of the church, everyone is likely holding their breath, hoping they make it down without too much drama.

The guests smile at the cuteness. The flower girl is adorable and the ring bearer – who is slightly younger – looks just a bit nervous, with his finger pressed against his mouth.

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

That is until he spots a camera.

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

He must know the cameraman since he makes a beeline for him. And you can hear some chatter on the tape as the flower girl stands in the aisle probably thinking “dude, this is NOT what we practiced.”

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

But he gets back on track and they make it to the front of the church.

And now, for the star of the show…

Suddenly, laughter rings out in the audience, and it turns out there’s another little ring-bearer (or perhaps he’s serving as something else since he’s unaccompanied as he toddles down the aisle in a top hat and tux).

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

And when he gets halfway down the aisle, you’ll have to try not to laugh. It’s contagious after all.

This little boy lets out the biggest peal of laughter we’ve ever heard at a wedding. And it cracks the crowd straight up! He’s positively cackling – or is he crying? Toddlers can go from A to B in less than 3 seconds.

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

All we know is that by the time he reaches the cameraman, he’s got a smile on his face and he’s got the crowd rolling as he tips his hat.

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

The warm-up act

It’s a risk letting a kid so young make his way down the aisle without an adult. But it looks like a small wedding where people could intervene without it being a big deal (or ruining the bride’s perfectly-planned entrance).

Apparently, this kid had a comedic performance planned as he nearly loses his hat, old-school comedy style (and suspiciously right in front of the camera). Kids know exactly how to be the center of attention.

YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik Source: YouTube Screenshot - Matt Hronik

But he ditches the hat and lets out a rebel yell as he goes to meet his young friends at the front of the church while they’re all quickly corralled by adults.

We’re sure it was a beautiful wedding and that the bride and groom found the footage hilarious after the ceremony.

Be sure to scroll down to see the childrens’ warm-up act.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Matt Hronik, The Spruce
