Ring security camera alerts blind mother that there is a stranger outside on a lawnmower

Witnessing a random act of kindness is a heartwarming moment that we all feel lucky to see.

However, for one blind woman, the only hint that someone was doing something kind was the sound of a lawnmower on a security camera app.

Now, the sound of a lawnmower is quite common, especially during spring, but when you open an alert on your home surveillance app and hear an unexpected lawnmower, it only makes sense that you’d be a bit concerned at first!


Ann Darby’s mother, 71-year-old Rebecca Cox, has been residing at Ann’s house in Caney, Kansas ever since the state’s stay-at-home order began. Rebecca is blind and happened to be visiting her daughter when the lockdown began. She stayed at her daughter’s house to be cared for by her.

Facebook Source: Facebook

The grass at Ann’s mom’s empty home was left to grow untamed!

Ann was already busy while homeschooling her kids and raising a newborn. She was happy to have her mother around too, but Ann was left with no time for landscaping her mother’s house, which is three hours away!

Facebook Source: Facebook

Luckily for her, she didn’t have to worry because a kind-hearted stranger had it under his control.

Ann had arranged for someone to keep the lawn under control while she and her husband were away, but the arrangement fell through and the grass grew wild.

On Facebook, she explained:

“Since we have a newborn, I haven’t been able to get up there to mow, as we’re trying to do our part to stay at home. And my husband is a truck driver delivering oxygen, and has been running all over and hasn’t made it up there.”

Ann and her husband, who is an essential worker, had been trying to find time to take the drive to Ann’s mother’s house but before they left they were notified of a stranger on the property by the Ring video app.


The video they saw was a huge surprise!

Ann told KSNT in an interview:

“It was a guy mowing the lawn on a zero-turn, in dark overalls and a fluorescent shirt. We assumed it was the city.”

The next day, Ann’s husband called the City of Topeka to thank them, but he was told that it wasn’t them who cut the grass!

Since none of the family members recognized the man on the mower, Ann posted to a local Topeka, Kansas Facebook group in an attempt to identify him.

“Took a load off my mind. Because I would’ve had to bring the kids and all that so whoever it was, thank you.”

She also wanted to extend an offer to pay the man if he would continue mowing her elderly mother’s lawn for them.


When the post gained traction on Facebook, they soon discovered who the anonymous do-gooder is.

In a Facebook update, Ann said:

“We found out who mowed her lawn. It turned out to be a neighbor a few houses down from her. Thank you so much! Even if it took 5 minutes on a zero-turn, he took the time out of his day to do it. Time can never be replaced, which makes it the most valuable gift someone can give. It comforts me to know that there are people on my mom’s block that look out for her when I’m not up there.”

Ann is certainly right, it’s comforting to know that there are good citizens looking for ways to help others during this remarkably daunting time.

Look below for the news report on this uplifting story and feel inspired by a unique random act of kindness.

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Source: KSNT, Facebook
