Rod Stewart and Michael Buble give sizzling duet earning millions of views

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Rod Stewart and Michael Buble are two incredibly distinctive musicians. But how do they sound when performing as a duo?

Michael Buble is a musician who has respect for the singers of yesteryear.

Eva Rinaldi/Wikimedia Source: Eva Rinaldi/Wikimedia

In fact, he became so successful thanks in part to his dedicated study of the likes of Elvis Presley, Dean Martin, Johnny Cash and so many other greats.

Buble would also have loved to have performed with his musical heroes. Sadly, many of them are no longer with us. But one of them, Rod Stewart, is still very much active. And one day, he and Buble were able to sing live together.

ManuBen2/YouTube Source: ManuBen2/YouTube

When the audience saw Buble and Rod Stewart walk onstage together, they went wild. Both were acclaimed musicians but of different eras. How would they sound with their styles combined?

The band started playing an oldies tune. Then Rod Stewart opened with the lyrics, “The way you wear your hat. The way you sip your tea”

ManuBen2/YouTube Source: ManuBen2/YouTube

The singers were performing a cover of Frank Sinatra’s They Can’t Take That Away From Me.

Then Buble opened the second verse with the lyrics, “The way your smile just beams.”

ManuBen2/YouTube Source: ManuBen2/YouTube

Stewart’s raspy slick voice and Buble’s clean booming voice shouldn’t have worked together. But they did.

It was clear from their interactions that the musicians were enjoying singing with one another.

ManuBen2/YouTube Source: ManuBen2/YouTube

Eventually, the musicians harmonized together for the chorus lyric, “You can’t take that away from me.” Then, the backing band launched into a saxophone solo.

After the solo was over, the singers harmonized together some more.

ManuBen2/YouTube Source: ManuBen2/YouTube

When the song ended, the audience clapped. And even Stewart applauded Buble. Clearly, Stewart was impressed by the younger singer’s talent.

Luckily, the footage of this performance then made its way onto YouTube. It soon went viral.

To date, it has gained over 2.2 million views. It also has more than 4,800 likes and 180 comments. People have been saying things like this:

ManuBen2/YouTube Source: ManuBen2/YouTube

Before this performance, some people may have thought that a Michael Buble and Rod Stewart duet would be awful.

It’s understandable why some people may assume this. Stewart and Buble are two very different kinds of musicians. Stewart is associated as being part of the 80s synthesized rock sound. Buble is known as a modern-day crooner.

That’s the great thing about music. It can surprise you.

When different sounds and different styles are merged, they can create something incredible. Clearly, that’s what happened with this performance.

Recently, Buble and Stewart have joined together, with a range of other musicians, in a different way.

Along with the likes of Celine Dion and Cher, they have joined forces to support Call for Code, an awareness campaign for climate change and coronavirus. These musicians are using their social media presences to help fund and spotlight Call for Code’s solutions to global warming and COVID-19.

So Rod Stewart and Michael Buble not only perform well together, but they’re also working with one another to fight some of the biggest threats to the modern world.

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Source: ManuBen2, ABC News Radio
