Marine and shelter owner in Kabul refuses to leave without his staff and rescued animals

Paul “Pen” Farthing founded Nowzad charity in 2007. He now finds himself in a desperate race to get himself, his Afghan employees, and over 200 rescue animals to Britain.

This Royal Marine veteran in Kabul says he’s not leaving the capital despite the current events following the takeover of the Taliban. He owns an animal sanctuary and like everyone in Afghanistan right now, Paul is afraid for his safety, but he does not want to leave his staff and the animals.

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Farthing is asking UK ministers to “do the right thing” and fly 71 people to the UK. He knows the situation is just going to get worse with the Taliban’s takeover of Kabul.

“I need to get them out of here,” he told the i. “I’m not leaving them behind. I’m terrified, everybody is absolutely terrified of what the future holds.”

Paul needs those planes.

“My staff don’t deserve the fate that awaits them if they stay here in Afghanistan,” he said.

The Foreign Office says they have been in contact with Farthing to offer help.

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Paul calls it “Operation Ark,”. He is attempting to raise $200,000 to charter a cargo plane to the UK within the next couple of days, as well as cover expenses upon their arrival.

Farthing currently has 140 dogs, 60 cats, 12 donkeys, 2 horses, 1 goat, and 1 cow. If they can’t be evacuated, these animals will have to fight for survival on the streets of Kabul. Not a very promising thought.

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The worst part is that Farthing is afraid he won’t have enough room to take all of the 140 dogs under his care. That means he will be forced to put more than half of them down.

“We will have to say goodbye. There’s no other option sadly. I have 140 dogs and only 65 spaces. I’ll have to put down some of the older, injured dogs,” he said. “I’ve felt angry over the last few days and now I just feel numb. I don’t have the words any more. But the day I have to put the dogs down is when all the anger will come back.”

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Kabul has seen nothing but chaos since the Taliban took over. Everyone is desperate to flee the country.

It was in November of 2006 when Paul arrived in the town of Now Zad as part of the Kilo Company of 42 Commando Royal Marines.

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Paul broke up an organized dog fight outside their compound and that’s when one of the pups followed him. They spent six months together as a result. Farthing named his new four-legged friend Nowzad.

He brought his new furry friend back home to Devon to start a new life.

Facebook/Paul Farthing Source: Facebook/Paul Farthing

Nowzad has helped and rehomed over 1,700 animals all while training more than 500 veterinary students in Kabul, including Afghanistan’s first fully qualified female vets.

Facebook/Paul Farthing Source: Facebook/Paul Farthing

Farthing founded the charity Nowzad to reunite other servicemen and women with dogs and cats they had bonded with while serving. And it was all thanks to that pup.

“We’ve just spent $35,000 on a new extension to our clinic and this had only been open five days,” he said. “It’s all over. Everything we’d achieved over 15 years is up in smoke.”

Facebook/Paul Farthing Source: Facebook/Paul Farthing

Celebrities like actor Peter Egan and comedian Ricky Gervais have pledged to support Operation Ark. Paul needs all the help he can get. Let’s get his staff and animals out of Kabul.

Help Pen Farthing with his mission by emailing your donations to or visiting this website.

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Source: My Positive Outlooks
