Russian German Shepherd granted ‘Dog Loyalty’ award for first time in 60 years

For the first time in its 60-year history, the International Dog Loyalty Award has awarded its highest honor to a Russian dog.

In a daring rescue, the dog, named Wolf-Mercury, was able to find a missing teen who had been kidnapped and was being held captive.

Helping to find a kidnapped girl

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From St. Petersburg, Russia, Wolf-Mercury is a 9-year-old German shepherd who has quite a track record.

In all, Wolf-Mercury had tracked down a murderer, some robbers, and lost children.

With his latest heroic deed, Wolf-Mercury was able to track down a 15-year-old girl who had been kidnapped.

Wolf-Mercury and his handler quickly got to work

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A family in Lomonosov, about 45 minutes to the west of St. Petersburg, had reported that their daughter had disappeared.

Maria Koptseva, Wolf-Mercury’s handler, Started in the last place where her phone had been known to be working. The girl’s abductor had turned it off after kidnapping the girl, according to her mother.

Wolf-Mercury was able to track the girl down

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For the search, the police also used the girl’s pillowcase to help Wolf-Mercury pick up the track more easily.

It was at this point that the police dog took rescuers to the abandoned building where the abducted girl was being held captive.

The police saved the girl from a horrible fate

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Her captor was in the process of sexually assaulting her, after having done so multiple times during the 5 hours she had been captive.

In the process of rescuing the girl, the police were able to detain the 36-year-old local man who had kidnapped her.

Wolf-Mercury was awarded for his actions Source:

For his heroic actions, Wolf-Mercury was awarded the Italian Dog Fidelity award, the first time to a dog from Russia.

Wolf-Mercury and his handler traveled to San Rocco di Camogli, near Genoa, to receive the prestigious award.

The award was created to honor a dog, named Pucci, from the San Rocco di Camogli area who had dedicated himself to always making sure the students in the town were safe.

The award also honors Saint Roch, the patron saint of dogs and livestock.

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Wolf-Mercury was just one of the 12 dogs distinguished for their dedication this year.

As a part of the award ceremony, the 200 people in attendance watched a video highlighting the German shepherd’s work with his law enforcement agency. The agency collects stories of such acts by dogs in Italy and abroad.

Selfless service to his community

YouTube Screenshot – Новости на Первом Канале Source: YouTube Screenshot – Новости на Первом Канале

The girl’s mother thanked the police. Without them and the fast work by Wolf-Mercury and his handler, her daughter might have been killed.

“The first words of my daughter when I saw her were: ‘I thought you would never find me,'” the mother said.

YouTube Screenshot – Новости на Первом Канале Source: YouTube Screenshot – Новости на Первом Канале

According to Koptseva, the most rewarding moment for her was when the kidnapped girl’s mother came to where she had been found and hugged her daughter.

It was a good reminder of why she and Wolf-Mercury do their job.

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Sources: YouTube – Новости на Первом Канале, YouTube – СЕГОДНЯ, RIA Novosti
