Newborn baby girl saved by Safe Haven Baby Box in first month it was installed

When Franciscan Health Hospital in Hammond, Indiana installed a Safe Haven Baby Box, it was not long until it was used. In fact, it only took less than 30 days.

After installing it, they received a newborn baby girl shortly after. She was healthy and retrieved by first responders in less than 90 seconds, ABC7 Chicago reported. The way it works is that when the baby was placed in the box, an alarm sounded — then the emergency department of the hospital responded.

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Founder and CEO of Safe Haven Baby Boxes Monica Kelsey spoke more about it to ABC7 Chicago.

Kelsey is an adopted child who later learned that she was tragically abandoned as a newborn baby. After learning this sad piece of information, feeling motivated after seeing a baby box at a church in Cape Town, Kelsey wanted to do something similar. She mainly wanted to start this because she wanted to ensure future children’s safety when a parent decides to give them up without face-to-face confrontation. Of course, it’s not a recommended route to take but if it must be taken, it is better to do it in a designated baby box that is connected to a nearby hospital rather than on a stranger’s cold stoop.

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Additionally, Kelsey wanted to educate people about Safe Haven Laws, which actually allows parents to surrender their newborns without facing any legal consequences.

After all, you never know exactly why that parent is giving up their child. It can be for a number of reasons, whether they were not fit to be parents or if they were putting the child in a dangerous and/or abusive situation.

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In the interview about this one rescued child specifically, Kelsey said: “That is my hope and my goal for this little girl, is to grow up knowing she was loved from the beginning. Her mom just felt that this was best for her, and hopefully one day she changes the world and does something amazing.”

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If it wasn’t for these baby boxes, some of these stories could end in a much more tragic manner — and a lot of them still unfortunately do. Just over this past summer in Georgia, a newborn baby was found abandoned in a plastic bag in the middle of the isolated woods — which is obviously alarming and wildly dangerous, even fatal.

Another newborn baby girl was recently found naked in the woods of Silver Spring, Maryland. She was most likely just a few hours old.

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In both of these stories the babies were rescued by people who were passing by who heard their crying. However not all of these abandoned babies get such a happy ending. A lot of these stories are still ending up with babies going un-rescued and Kelsey is taking responsibility and doing her part to decrease these heartbreaking numbers.

Indiana Safe Haven Laws allows parents to drop their newborns off at any emergency room, fire station or police station without any consequences. Because of this, parents are less likely to leave a baby abandoned elsewhere — ultimately saving lives. This story and Kelsey’s efforts are solid proof.

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Source: Live Action
