Make lasting memories with salt dough keepsakes using just 3 ingredients

COVID-19 has shut down everything we would usually do to spend money and stay productive. That has plenty of households bored out of their minds. If you’ve cleaned the house upside down, back, and fourth, Jill has got the perfect thing to keep the whole family busy. Kid’s feet and hands grow exponentially and it’s quite fun to remember just how small your kids once were. I’m sure you’ve seen salt dough ornaments or crafts and there pretty darn cute.
Salt dough hardens just like a ceramic and it even keeps for decades!

Jill has shared her super easy recipe that will have you and the family making some awesome keepsakes this quarantine.
All you need are 3 ingredients to make this craft.
- 1 cup of flour
- 1 cup of salt
- 1/2 cup of water

Follow these steps and you’ll be smooshing your kid’s hands and feet into it in no time!
- In a medium mixing bowl, pour salt into water until it mostly dissolves
- Add flour to the mixture and kneed until it has playdough like consistency if it’s sticky just add more flour
- Roll out dough into any shape of your choosing
- Place dough onto parchment paper-lined cookie sheet
- Press those little feet, hands, or paws into the dough and use a toothpick to sign a name and date it
- Bake at 200 degrees for 2 and a half hours until the dough is hardened
- After it’s cooled, bring out the paints and start painting

After following all of those steps you’ve got a super special memento to put into your house or garden! Thank you Jill for sharing your family fun with us.
Salt dough can be used for countless amounts of crafting.
Best Ideas For Kids have even made salt dough Easter egg ornaments for this holiday season. All you have to do is use cookie dough cutters to make your perfect shape and bake until it’s hardened.
Let it cool and get to painting your perfect Easter egg, this person even brought some glitter action.

Messy Little Monster has another super-nifty craft you can do with salt dough is making little hand bowls. For this craft, you’ll press your kiddos hand into the dough and then with a sharp knife cut the handprint out.
Place an oven-proof bowl on a cookie sheet and then drape the handprint right on top of it and then you’ve got yourself a perfect little hand bowl.

If you don’t have any paint in the house Reality Daydream came up with another inventive way to bring your salt dough handprint to life is putting pony beads inside the etched print.
The beads melt inside of the oven and make a perfect stained glass look!

Need to pretend you’re at the beach? Crafting Chicks has you covered, you can make your very own salt dough starfishes. They’ll fool you thinking they’re the real thing. Just form your dough into any shape or size you want your starfish to look, Bake at 325 degrees for 2-3 hours or until hardened.
Now, there’s no need to go to the beach!

There’s no reason to be bored while stuck inside with these awesome crafts!
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Source: KitchenFunWithMy3Sons, Best Ideas For Kids, Crafting Chicks, Reality Daydream, Messy Little Monsters