20 people without kids who had something sarcastic to say

Raising a child is no laughing matter. You have a lot of responsibility feeding and clothing them, as well as making sure they learn what they need to eventually become adults in their own right. But all of that is a lot of work.

On the other hand, you have people without kids who enjoy their kid-free lifestyle. And they definitely don’t hesitate to let parents know just how good they have their kid-free life is, in a sarcastic way.

Here are 20 times people without kids made sure to let parents know just how good of a life they live.

1. A Family is More Than Parents and Kids

Twitter – Kolkata_Chhori Source: Twitter – Kolkata_Chhori

According to this Twitter user, a family is more than parents with kids or the people you grew up with. Family can be anyone who accepts you for who you are and accepts you, despite any flaws you might have or mistakes you have made.

2. Night and Day

Twitter – musica180 Source: Twitter – musica180

The sheer economic difference between raising a pet and a child is astronomical. This makes a pet a far more appealing commitment to some people.

3. Both Sides of the Story

Twitter – Rachel Fisher Source: Twitter – Rachel Fisher

Here is a Twitter user who feels that commercials for pregnancy tests should also show the joy of a potential mom and dad when they find out that the test is negative. Women are more than just the kids that they have and not all parents are ready for the responsibilities that come with having a baby.

4. Saturday Morning Cartoons

Twitter - robfee Source: Twitter - robfee

While many people enjoy cartoons, including adults, there is a big difference between a kid cartoon and one geared toward a more mature person. If you have kids, you really don’t have a choice in which ones you have to watch with them, especially when they are still young.

5. Kids Are Not for Everyone

Twitter – Destry Monteith Broderick Source: Twitter – Destry Monteith Broderick

This tweet just goes to show that not everybody is ready for kids. In fact, some people are too busy taking care of their pets, which they happen to see as their kids, to deal with the added pressure of having a child.

6. Long Vacations

Twitter - probablyMalaz Source: Twitter - probablyMalaz

What can no kids do to your life? Why make you rich beyond measure in both money and the time you get to spend traveling the world.

7. Equal Opportunity Birth Control

Twitter – Dave Vescio Source: Twitter – Dave Vescio

Why is it that women are always the ones expected to take steps when they don’t want kids? Men are just as responsible as their female counterparts. And it is much easier for them to go through the procedure to ensure they can’t have kids, and then have the process reversed if they decide that they do.

8. Clairvoyant

Twitter - KingRainhead Source: Twitter - KingRainhead

No one can tell what someone will want later in life. Chances are, if they don’t want kids, then, unless they have a change of heart, they won’t. And no amount of hinting that can change that.

9. Kids vs. Pets

Twitter – Shalinda Kirby Source: Twitter – Shalinda Kirby

This Twitter user raises the question of why apartment complexes charge a fee for having a pet, but not for children. They even continue with how noisy a kid can be when compared to a pet who is not as loud, such as a cat.

10. In Some Instances, Animals are Better

Twitter - goldengateblond Source: Twitter - goldengateblond

The animal kingdom is populated by some amazing species. Humans, meanwhile, spend much of their early childhood learning how to walk and eat on their own.

11. Baby Jar

Twitter – ditch pony Source: Twitter – ditch pony

One thing people absolutely love about not having kids is the amount of money you don’t have to spend on them. And while a budget is a good thing, no matter who you are, at least this couple can spend their hard-earned cash on themselves.

12. All the Chips You Could Want

Twitter - Annekinns Source: Twitter - Annekinns

The biggest plus to not having kids is that you don’t have to share your food with them. You can have all the chips you want.

13. To Child or Not to Child, That’s Really No One’s Business

Twitter – Cristina Rad Source: Twitter – Cristina Rad

Everybody has their own reasons for being childless. This Twitter user looks at it as being childfree. And she is very vocal about why it is really no one’s business why they are childfree.

14. Old Fashioned

Twitter - kbnoswag Source: Twitter - kbnoswag

Who wouldn’t want to live the life of a parent? According to this Twitter user, you only have a bad marriage to a wife who despises you and a kid to constantly care for to look forward to.

15. Allowing Kids to Grow Up to Be Who They Want

Twitter - ninisalinass Source: Twitter - ninisalinass

Just because you have a kid doesn’t mean you control their whole life. Yes, you want to help them avoid getting hurt, but at some point, they have to be allowed to falter on their own and become the person they are meant to be. And definitely don’t expect them to live your lost dreams for you.

16. Good Luck

Twitter - sarahjoyshockey Source: Twitter - sarahjoyshockey

What else would you tell a baby? While they don’t know it now, eventually they will have to face all of the drama and happiness that life brings.

17. No Kids = More Money

Twitter - sauteslut Source: Twitter - sauteslut

As stated earlier, having no kids means you have more money to spend on yourself. That is exactly what this sticker is saying, as well as the couple can focus on each other, and their money, instead of children.

18. Uncles Are the Best

Twitter - nedostup Source: Twitter - nedostup

There are many great things about being an uncle. It’s really not their problem if their siblings’ kids misbehave and they get to tell tier nieces and nephews all kinds of embarrassing stories about their parents.

19. Funny, Not Funny

Twitter - stupidoldandy Source: Twitter - stupidoldandy

While this tweet might seem a little inappropriate, especially for a doctor, it is still a little funny. I would wager that many parents think of their kids as more than simple animals. Then again, many pet owners probably think the same.

20. Like a Baby

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Twitter - annetdonahue Source: Twitter - annetdonahue

Spoken like a true animal lover. Plus, cats have the added value of not being as much trouble as an infant to look after. And while they are both cute, cats are also quite and love to purr as you pet them. So, who can blame the Twitter poster for being late?

H/T: Bored Panda, Shareably
