School bus driver has uncommon relationship with students and school takes notice

Most people don’t get much joy from going to work each day, but one school bus driver in Dallas, Texas, truly loves what he does and it shows. He views every kid on his bus as one of his own, getting them personalized presents throughout the year and focusing on unifying them with kindness. By going above and beyond for his students, he’s managed to create an inspiring environment for the kids he encounters.

What an awesome guy, where was he when I was riding the school bus!?

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Curtis Jenkins is a school bus driver in Texas that does much more than just getting the kids to and from school

For many of us, we don’t remember the school bus being the most pleasant experience, for some, it was surely the worst part of their day. Not on Curtis Jenkins bus, this kind-hearted man is changing the game with love and positivity.

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Every student on his bus means the world to him, he goes out of his way to encourage the kids to unite with kindness and has even given everyone an important role on the bus.

Every student gets a job on the school bus, from policemen to assistant to the president, it’s a system that the kids love

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When talking to CBS News, Curtis explained how they’ve created their own little society on the school bus where they’re like one big family.

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“These are all my children, these are my community, I love them all.” Curtis told CBS News, after boarding the kids on the bus he said over the intercom: “Were going to care about each other and we’re going to love everybody right?” The kids yelled back: “yes!”

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On top of the fun and loving school bus he provides, he also gets students personalized presents throughout the year that are unique to each kid’s interests

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Curtis gets the kids birthday cards, presents, and has even provided turkeys on thanksgiving. His gifts are always thoughtful, like this t-shirt he had made for one aspiring writer with her first book copied onto the shirt.

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“I hoping that this t-shirt inspires her to keep on writing books,” said Curtis.

Despite all the presents, when it came time for the kids to explain what they like most about Curtis, it was his kindness that out-weighed all else

The gifts don’t even come to mind when the kids are asked what their favorite thing about Curtis is, it was his kind heart.

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“He helps anyone in need,” Ethan Engal told CBS, he fought back tears as he went on to say: “My mom got divorced when I was only four, he’s the father that I always wanted. In some ways, I wish my dad could have been like that.”

Curtis doesn’t care about the money, but after his story went viral the universe rewarded the extraordinary bus driver

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An anonymous viewer gave Curtis a brand new SUV, the big-hearted bus driver also got a promotion teaching other school bus drivers how to create a successful and loving environment through student relationships.

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This story brought tears to my eyes, Curtis inspires people everywhere to spread love and compassion throughout their communities.

To see the powerful story, watch the video below!

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Source: SpotLight, YouTube, Facebook, CBS News
