School lightly disciplines known bully – then he goes on to nearly blind another child

When we send our kids off to school, we’re trusting others to keep them safe. This school violated that trust in a terrible way.

Bullying happens in every school in the world. Many schools have implemented strict measures aimed at stopping bullying in its tracks. But others have a long way to go. The Merrill Academy is an extreme example.

Roma Community Care/Facebook Source: Roma Community Care/Facebook

Nathaniel Dryden is a teenaged boy who goes to Merrill Academy in Derbyshire, UK. He has suffered at the hands of the school’s bullies for years. But in early 2020, that bullying became much worse.

In late January, another school child punched Dryden, completely out of the blue. Dryden had done nothing to provoke the bully.

Nathaniel Dryden/Facebook Source: Nathaniel Dryden/Facebook

Another bully had recorded the incident and started distributing the video. Eventually, Dryden’s mom saw the footage and was disgusted. She told the school about the video.

After seeing the video, the school’s principal took some actions against the bully who had punched Dryden.

They suspended the child for a few days. But apart from that, the child received no further discipline.

When the bully returned to school, he was angry at Dryden. He blamed the child for his suspension and was determined to make him suffer.

The bully attacked Dryden once more. But this time the attack would be so bad that Dryden almost lost his eye.

Kpap Academy Singapore/Facebook Source: Kpap Academy Singapore/Facebook

Once again, the bully punched Dryden. This punch was so hard that Dryden’s glasses shattered. The glass went into Dryden’s face. It became lodged, only just missing the child’s eyeball.

Then Dryden started bleeding profusely. In fact, the blood was so bad that the child thought that he would bleed to death.

Nathaniel had to get rushed to hospital. Luckily, the doctors were able to remove the glass without causing any vision damage. But the glass would leave a scar.

The Self Defense Company of West Michigan/Facebook Source: The Self Defense Company of West Michigan/Facebook

This incident was the most extreme form of bullying that Dryden had ever suffered. But he had suffered from incidents like this throughout his school years.

Dryden’s father, Mick, says that the result of all of this bullying has completely devastated his son.

The school’s acting principal, Paul Beedle, later said that the incident was incredibly rare and that they had since dealt with the bully.

Derbyshire Live/Facebook Source: Derbyshire Live/Facebook

Additionally, the local police department has become involved. They are investigating the incident but have not made any arrests.

Dryden’s school is clearly failing him. The acting head teacher claims to have dealt with the incident. But it’s clear that the bully in this story was not appropriately disciplined in the first instance.

Hopefully, Dryden will make a speedy recovery and his parents will find another, better school for him to attend.

Amanda Dryden/Facebook Source: Amanda Dryden/Facebook

The Merrill Academy, sadly, continues to have a terrible record when it comes to bullying. Since the incident with Dryden, three pupils have been assaulted in a racist bullying incident.

But the school’s problems go much further than bullying. In 2019, one of the school’s teaching assistants was jailed for nine months for sexually assaulting a child.

Court Listings/Facebook Source: Court Listings/Facebook

It appears that the leaders of Merrill Academy are more interested in enforcing insanely strict school uniform dress codes than bullying and assault. On the first day of school in 2020, teachers ended up sending half of its pupils back home for minor violations of the school’s dress code.

It seems clear that Merrill Academy should spend less time nitpicking over their children’s clothing and more time preventing bullying and the hiring of pedophiles.

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Source: Health Sumo, Derbyshire Live, Mirror, Derbyshire Live
