Musician in quarantine gives hilarious performance after changing the lyrics of “Dancing Queen”

Ever get a certain song stuck in your head until it drove you a bit batty? Most of us have.
And those of us sitting at home in quarantine doing our civic duty (but being understandably bored out of our minds along the way) have had it worse than others. All sorts of old songs start resurfacing and the only way to scratch that “cognitive itch” – as some scientists call it – is to play a song over and over again.

At least when you get ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” stuck in your head at the end of this article, you’ll have some new lyrics to work with.
In fact, coming up with alternative lyrics to songs might be a nice brain workout.
And you’ll have David Scott of the band The Kiffness to thank.
Now, The Kiffness is an electronic act from Cape Town, South Africa, but we’re not talking about electronica here. We’re talking about just a regular guy partaking in the newest quarantine artform: slap-happy, in-your-underwear, karaoke.

After Scott’s two most recent videos (the one we’re about to talk about and an a capella version of The Beatles’ “Yesterday”) hit over one million views apiece, it’s likely we have a lot more parodies to come. Or at least we can hope.
We rather like seeing the frontman in his robe, with his hair in a towel.
It’s not quite drag, but it’s close enough to make the whole video a fun watch.

Try these lyrics on for size:
I’m not wearing pants
I’m deprived
I’ve lost track of time in my life (Ooh oooh)
Has no routine
My name’s Colleen
I am the Quaranqueen
We’re sold.
We can become Colleens for a day if it means feeling like the Quaranqueen.
The song’s pretty relatable for most of us. How many times have you felt like you were running low on wine on a Friday night?

Always? You’re not alone.
Even more familiar? Singing about trying to find a good series to watch – a problem that has plagued many of us.
Scott finds Tiger King (again, like so many). He doesn’t claim it’s good, only weird. You know, kind of like singing parody karaoke in your bathrobe.
But he is the Quaranqueen, who “Lost my mind on Day 17.”

And we can relate!
Who hasn’t gotten a little weird at some point over the last two-and-a-half months?!
We’re all for some goofy fun – and if you are too, Scott singing all four parts for John, Paul, George, and Ringo to “Yesterday” should be the next video on your list.
After all, “yesterday” (at least the metaphorical version of a time when things were better) is something we might want to remember fondly since “COVID-19 seemed so far away, but now it looks like it’s here to stay.”

Of course, if you can get up and move around instead of attaching yourself to the brain-wrenching blue light of a computer, you should. But let’s face it, you’re already here reading this, so why not fall a little farther down the rabbit hole of YouTube videos?
There has to be some intellectual challenge in coming up with your own lyrics, right?
Be sure to scroll down to see Scott’s version of the classic ABBA hit and then let us know what song you think is ripe for a quarantine parody.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: The Kiffness via YouTube, The Kiffness via Facebook, How Stuff Works