Security guards approach stray dog lying on mall floor and bystander videos their next move

It doesn’t matter what species you are, you are not allowed to loiter in the mall food court. Security will remove you no matter how adorable you are.

Unfortunately, stray dogs usually aren’t aware.

One dog who walked into a mall in the Philippines seemed completely unaware of mall rules regarding loitering. He made himself quite comfortable on the floor of the food court.

The dog, who would eventually be creatively named “Dogdog”, was likely just looking for a place to warm up and perhaps some friendly humans to pet him.

Jan Mart Calimpong noticed the dog wander into the mall.

The young man was just doing his normal shopping when his attention was grabbed by the dog.

He pulled out his phone and filmed the encounter Dogdog would have with the security team at the mall. His decision to do so ended up being sort of a big deal for both the mall and the dog.

Dogdog was very calm and wasn’t even anxious when security approached him.

Even when the guards made it clear they were removing him from the premises, the dog kept a very cool demeanor and just kind of went with everything that was happening to him.

“It was unusual,” Calimpong told The Dodo.

Having a lay down in Vista Mall.

Dogdog just flopped down right down in the middle of the mall. Some people took notice but nobody seemed to mind too much that a dog was just hanging out there.

Eventually, security did come to take him away, however.

The security guard was pretty sweet about it.

They made sure to give him some pets and belly rubs before escorting them out. Loitering humans are rarely given the same treatment before being removed from the mall.

Rather than pick the dog up, the security guard just grabbed a hold of his front legs and escorted them out of the mall while Dogdog walked on his back legs.

They were as gentle as can be, but it was something of an awkward sight.

“He handled him like a pet,” Calimpong said. “He was even wagging his tail.”

“Dogdog” now a member of Vista Mall security team.

Calimpong posted his video to social media and it promptly went viral. Many who saw the video were impressed with how Vista Mall security handled the situation as well.

In response, the mall’s security team decided to foster the dog and gave him the very creative name he now goes by. “Dogdog” hangs out with them and is part of their team.

“Dogdog always joins us whenever we have our guard mounting,” one guard said of his canine colleague.

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Vista Mall took so social media to comment on Dogdog’s story:

“We are continuously building a culture of inclusiveness where humans and animals, like Dogdog, come together and help each other,” mall officials wrote.

Calimpong is thrilled that his video led to such a positive conclusion.

“Most mall-goers now consider Dogdog a living landmark. He’s a must-see for people in the area,” Calimpong said. “As a pet lover, particularly for dogs, I’m really glad to see that.”

Watch Dogdog be escorted out of the food court in the video below!

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Source: Jan Mart Calimpong-Facebook, The Dodo
