82-year-old senior dances the Charleston and still moves like she’s 20 years old

A grandma who effortlessly dances the Charleston proves that age is just a number. The video of an old lady dancing in her kitchen was published in 2012 and has since been viewed more than 3 million times.

Although the lady’s identity is unknown, she remains a symbol of youth and shows other seniors how important it is to take care of themselves.

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The Charleston achieved worldwide fame almost a century ago and is still one of the first things that come to mind when you think of the Roaring Twenties.

The Charleston was a cultural phenomenon that was first mentioned in 1923, in a Broadway piece called Runnin’ Wild. Interestingly, the name is used for the dance, melody, and lyrics of the song, although most people simply associate the term “Charleston” solely with the dance style.

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The Charleston is the product of several cultural influences originating in Africa and Europe and finally blossoming in Harlem in the 1920s.

You would never suspect that a grandma who walked into the kitchen with a cane could be such an energetic dancer

We’re guessing this is probably a joke on her part. She was probably an awesome dancer when she was younger and most people probably don’t expect her to still be as good.

Look at that heavy walk. Grandma looks like she’s in pain. You would think that her ankles and joints hurt a lot.

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Undoubtedly, however, the lively old lady found a way to show everyone that you should never judge a book by its covers.

The precious grandma walks into her kitchen wearing a long, black skirt. But then she changes into a short dress with only one quick move.

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She slowly walks across the room, sits in a chair, takes a deep breath, and drinks some kind of dietary supplement. Seemingly, in an instant, she begins to feel a lot better.

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It is mind-blowing seeing her stand up so quickly and ripping her long skirt to reveal a shorter one underneath.

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Let’s not forget the pearls. This woman’s got a lot of class.

Grandma’s fashion style is inspired by the 1920s

If you look up the roots of Charleston, you’ll realize that grandma is wearing the ‘20s fashion too. We wonder if she saved all those clothes or if she got new dresses.

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Wouldn’t it be great if that was the dress she danced in when she was younger?

The Charleston was banned in many places due to its likelihood of exposing women’s legs

Our grandma doesn’t care about that though, and she tosses her legs up in the air in the same manner Charleston dancers did in the past. We can see a revolutionary spirit in our dance hero.

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Her moves are on point, sharp, and impeccable. She remembers the choreography perfectly.

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Who could sit still while the music is playing in the background?!

The old lady featured in the video has got a lot more energy than we would have anticipated. You would never guess that she is over eight decades old.

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Comments on the video read:

“Grandma is smooth as silk.”

“She obviously was and is a dancer from the silver screen days.”

“She’s got perfect legs for her age.”

Seniors can benefit a lot from dancing

From improving physical health to helping them socialize, dance is a great form of exercise for the elderly. Some studies have shown that dancing can even help improve physical mobility for people living with Parkinson’s disease.

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So, next time you visit your grandparents, play some music and invite them to dance. You never know – they just might surprise you with their moves!

Watch the video below!

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Source: SeeItLive; APost; 1Funny; InnerStrength; Greateller; PositiveCat; CCPL; YourCareEverywhere
