Senior dog has biggest smile when his family throws him a surprise birthday party

Meet Baily, a 13-year-old doggy who got the surprise of his life when his family threw him a huge birthday bash complete with his very own birthday cake.

And guess what, he’s so happy people remembered his special day that he can’t even stop smiling!

If you’re a human who is getting older, getting your first gray eyebrow hair will probably make you cry because that means you’re “officially” over the hill and people will stop carding you when you buy alcohol.

But if you’re an adorable old-man puppy like Bailey, then every birthday is an opportunity to celebrate another year that you’re alive!

There’s a very good reason why dogs are known as man’s best friend. They’ll lick the tears off your face when you’re sad, eat the leftovers off your plate when you’re supposed to be on a diet, and they’ll even bark at all the people you secretly don’t like, making it that much easier to just walk away!

For people like Katie D’Souza, dogs aren’t just our protectors and companions, they’re also important members of the family.

When Bailey turned 13, Katie and her family had every reason to celebrate. Since he’s brought them so much joy for more than a decade, they decided to go all out with the festivities!

His reaction in the video they filmed is the smiling dog meme you need for today.

In the viral clip, which Katie shared on Facebook, the whole family is gathered around Baily, who keeps fidgeting around in his chair like an impatient toddler as they sing Happy Birthday to him.

The excited pup keeps shifting his gaze from looking longingly at the cake to Katie’s face, to eyeballing the cake again.

The vibes he’s giving off tell us everything we need to know – he can’t wait to dig in and is probably wondering when the song is going to end!

Facebook - Katie D'Souza Source: Facebook - Katie D'Souza

It’s obvious that this adorable dog really wants to shove his nose into all that delicious frosting, but he’s a very good boy.

When it was finally time to blow out the candles, mom bent down and helped him out. We don’t know what he was wishing for when he blew out the candles, but if it was a loving family and a long life, he was already living the dream.

Facebook - Katie D'Souza Source: Facebook - Katie D'Souza

In addition to the cake, Bailey was also treated to a new hotdog chew toy as his birthday gift.

There’s no poker facing here – that huge smile tells us exactly what he thinks about it!

It turns out that this isn’t Bailey’s first birthday bash. Katie and her family, who are from Perth, Australia, have been treating him to this annual song and dance since he joined the family.

Here he is a few years back rocking a blue and yellow party hat when he was just a wee little puppers.

They may not have given birth to him, but this family really knows how to treat Bailey like he’s one of their own. This sweet gesture shows just how much they truly care about the happiest dog in the world.

Watch the video below to see this happy doggy light up the room with his absolute unit of a smile!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Katie D’Souza, The Dodo, Positive Outlooks
