Senior dog tucks himself to sleep at shelter after owner passes away

Scooter is a senior Chihuahua whose life took a 360-degree turn when his owner passed away. The senior dog found himself in a shelter for homeless animals.

He’s all alone so before he goes to sleep, Scooter tucks himself in under his blue star-decorated blanket. The look of worry and sadness is on his face and it is heartbreaking.

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The shelter staff knew he is a sweet dog, but his advanced age had them doubting if anyone would come in and adopt him.

Jan Nageldinger is the shelter manager at the Humane Society of Branch County. She says that Scooter was already 12 and had an old hip injury.

Jan thought the Chihuahua would spend the rest of her years in the shelter.

Jan still shared a photo of Scooter, pointy ears and all under his blue cozy blanket.

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Letters from across the country and other parts of the world began pouring in. One of them was Jessica Lynn Howard, who had adopted two other Chihuahuas from the shelter.

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“I saw Jan’s Facebook post, along with the rest of the world. My husband Tim and I were lying in bed and it … brought me to tears. Without hesitation, I showed Tim and I said, ‘I have to go get him.’” Jessica told The Dodo.

Tim, ever supportive, told her to get Scooter.

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Jessica woke up the next morning and drove three hours to Michigan for the senior dog.

And when Scooter met his new pack and family, they all greeted him as if he was a long lost friend of theirs. Almost as if he had always belonged.

Scooter now had Jessica’s five other dogs to hang out with so he wouldn’t feel alone.

“We have Jax (formally known as Nemo), a Chihuahua we adopted from Branch County, Hank (formally known as Little Henry), a Chihuahua/heeler mix we also adopted from Branch County, BabyFace, another Chihuahua that belonged to my husband before we were married, and two heelers, Spur and Waylon,” Jessica shared.

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The couple lives in on a big farm and that helped Scooter’s personality to shine through. Except he still loves to tuck himself in.

Even Jessica thought she could tuck the dog in, but no, Scooter wanted to do it himself.

The senior dog didn’t just get a second chance to have a family either, since his adoption proved inspirational, moving people all over the world to adopt senior dogs like him.

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There are people from as far as Italy, Puerto Rico, Canada and many states across the U.S. who were willing to take in Scooter.

“When Scooter had been adopted many of these people said that they were going to go to their local shelter and adopt a senior dog. So Scooter not only saved himself; I really believe that he saved the lives of other dogs all across the U.S. with his story.”

Scooter got a second chance at life with a loving family and a wonderful home. Let’s home many other senior dogs do as well!

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Source: My Positive Outlooks
