Man couldn't stand the sight of stray dogs on the street so he adopts 450 of them

It’s rare to hear of kind hearts that step out and show the world how loving they truly are. Especially from others in different countries.

A Serbian man became one of those people showing the world what a great guy he is.

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

He has a heart of gold. This Serbian man was more than aware of all the stray dogs in his hometown. And he couldn’t stand seeing them abandoned and alone.

He took in about 450 of them, setting up a shelter so he could care for the dogs.

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

If he had left them alone in the streets, all those homeless dogs would just end up dying from starvation, sickness, or in the hands of a dog catcher. Never a good end for them.

Sasa Pejčić knew he had to step up and do something for the dogs.

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

The poor animals were living in horrible conditions. He had a few old riding stables which he got from a few years back, so Sasa re-purposed the property.

He turned it into a dog sanctuary, a place where his rescues are able run, sleep, and play all day just like all dogs deserve.

So Sasa took in as many dogs as he possibly could, exerting all his efforts until he ended up with 450 canines.

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

His efforts are truly admirable but caring for so many dogs, and not to mention feeding them is by no means cheap. There is a budget of $15 per head a month, so Sasa’s shopping bill for his dogs can go up to $7,000 at times.

It’s a good thing that the Harmony Fund supports Sasa’s shelter. They help pay for the dogs’ food, medical expenses, and even the compensation for his small staff of helpers and volunteers.

It’s an organization that helps small animal rescues around the world so Sasa is in good hands.

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

The organization has this to say about their mission:

“The Harmony Fund offers a lifeline to so called “underdog” animal rescue squads across the planet. Our partners are the small but incredibly courageous and effective animal rescue teams who operate in parts of the world where funding is very hard to come by.”

“Our supporters are helping us to dramatically impact the capacity of these rescue teams to touch thousands upon thousands of animals who might otherwise be unreachable.”

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

Laura Simpson is the founder of the Harmony Fund, and she says that the dogs are loved. They are not expected to do anything else than to just be dogs.

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

Many of the rescued street dogs are adopted out internationally to good homes. The others get to spend their remaining days at the sanctuary.

YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity) Source: YouTube - Harmony Fund (International animal charity)

Thanks to Sasa’s selfless initiative, plus the effort and help of donors, hundreds of dogs in the streets of Serbia are cared for and loved. Plus they have a giant pack to play with every day.

They are safe, away from the streets and certain harm.

Check out Sasa and his dogs in the video below!

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Source: My Positive Outlooks, Harmony Fund (International animal charity)
