Serena Williams shares her tearful farewell to her beloved dog Lauerlei

Serena Williams is a shining example of an athlete. With 23 Grand Slams singles victories under her belt, Williams truly pushed herself to be the best she could be.

But despite Serena Williams’ incredible athletic accomplishments, she’s still only human and isn’t immune to the occasional sadness.

All that training is mostly for the physical. No one’s really ever an emotional athlete, and Serena Williams is no different.

On Instagram, Serena Williams announced that her dog Lauerlei passed away.

Lauerlei, whose full name is Lauerlei Linkogle Williams, was near and dear to her heart. Losing a pet always hurts a lot, especially one that’s been with you as long as Lauerlei.

The dog was a staggering 18-years-old when she passed. That’s a whole lot of years spent by Serena’s side and making memories.

And considering Williams has been playing professionally since 1998, that means Lauerlei saw much of her mom’s career. Lauerlei also would’ve been old enough to drive and drink alcohol, but I doubt her mom would have let her – among other reasons.

According to Serena, Lauerlei loved biting people’s toes and eating chicken. She was a small dog, after all.

Serena says Lauerlei was the “smallest” and “toughest” pup. I don’t doubt her one bit.

Lauerlei was incredibly long-lived for a dog. On average, a dog is lucky to live to 13-years-old.

Many dogs even succumb to diseases at around 10.

But living that long also makes he inevitable goodbye that much harder.

Serena Williams has had one hell of a career. She’s won titles, been interviewed countless times, and was on the cover of TIME.

The title of “Greatest female tennis player of all time” isn’t earned by just anyone.

At 41, she is also the highest-earning female athlete in the world.

Her dogs are blessed to be in such good hands, even if they don’t know how famous and wealthy their mom is.

All they care about is that she’s their mom and that they love her – and that’s what makes dogs so amazing.

Serena wrote the bittersweet post on August 28th. It reads:

“Lauerlei sadly took her last breath yesterday. I am sad but happy for all the time and all the extra I got to spend with her. She lived a long long life.”

Lauerlei was there to see Serena win all those titles and do all those interviews.

She was lucky to be part of her life, and Serena was lucky to be part of hers.

18 years on this earth, and yet it probably still felt too short. Our four-legged pals just never stick around for as long as they deserve.

“The last year and a half was a bonus. She got to get anything she ever wanted and she was biting toes till the end”

Serena still has a few other dogs besides Lauerlei. She has a Yorkshire terrier named Chip and a Jack Russel terrier named Jackie.

I’m sure both of them miss Lauerlei too.

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Source: Serena Williams on Instagram, PEOPLE
