Service pup rescues baby deer in lake then it comes back 1 day later to say ‘thank you’

Dogs have this innate characteristic of being compassionate and caring towards others.

Some might see them as “just dogs,” but we all know they are more than that.

Unsplash - Ryan Stone Source: Unsplash - Ryan Stone

There are numerous stories about how dogs saved the lives of humans and animals.

It is common to see dogs serving as therapy and companion dogs for those who need them, just like therapy dogs for veterans.

Retired Marine Corps Ralph Dorn had such a wonderful therapy dog.

Meet Harley, a Goldendoodle with a golden heart.

He was made for greatness as he served as a certified therapy dog in multiple elderly care facilities at six years old.

He also went to local libraries during reading hours as he accompanied children there. Then, he met the Dorns.

Ralph and Patricia Dorn adopted Harley and gave him a happy home.

Unsplash - Devin Lyster Source: Unsplash - Devin Lyster

In return, Harley became the sweetest dog they ever knew.

The couple shared how he was fond of their grandchildren and them of him.

But what made Harley extra special was his heroism to another living creature.

Ralph shared on Facebook how Harley saved a drowning fawn in a nearby lake.

The retired veteran said he was worried he didn’t see Harley inside their house, so he searched for him outside.

He saw him swimming in a nearby lake, but he was surprised by what he saw when he went closer.

It turned out that Harley tried to save a fawn in the middle of the lake.

The compassionate pup carefully led the fawn out of the lake and into the shoreline.

Slowly but surely, he brought the little deer to safety, but his care for his new friend didn’t end there.

Facebook Screenshot - Ralph Dorn Source: Facebook Screenshot - Ralph Dorn

He continued to lick him and didn’t want to leave him alone in the open.

A few moments later, the fawn’s mom appeared.

Ralph led Harley back inside their house so the doe could take care of her fawn.

They were reunited, and the mother led her baby back to their home.

You might think that the story ended there; it didn’t.

Facebook - Ralph Dorn Source: Facebook - Ralph Dorn

The next day, Patricia noticed that Harley had turned frantic while having her morning coffee.

He was running from one window to another as if telling her he wanted to go out.

Patricia opened the door to let Harley out, only to hear a fawn bleating.

To their surprise, they saw the fawn their dog saved in the lake.

“Harley ran into the tree line and found the fawn. The little one stopped bleating, tail wagging, they touched noses, sniffed each other, and Harley came calmly back to the house with me,” Ralph told People.

This gesture is great proof that the two formed a bond.

It was as if the fawn wanted to thank Harley for saving him.

He later walked away, and the golden pup was pleased.

Ralph said they never saw the doe and fawn since but would always have that moment in their memories.

Ralph’s post has been shared more than 257,000 times with around 118,000 reactions.

Check out Ralph’s entire Facebook post below, and share this heartwarming story with your friends!

Source: Ralph Dorn Facebook Post, People
