Self-named “dog person” falls in love with cat at shelter and begs wife to adopt him

Bug was a stray kitten who came to the Michiana Humane Society.

The poor thing was deprived of love and affection and he was starving for them.

So whenever a staff member, volunteer, or visitor would come and pass by, he would stick his paw out his kennel, in the hopes that people would touch it.

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

Bug would even rub his face against the kennel door, causing him to lose his fur. He did this since he was so stressed out. The poor cat was barely eating.

Seeing him that way was a heartbreaking sight.

The staff let another kitty join him in the same cell so he’d have a companion. But what Bug needed was a home, or even a foster home for starters.

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

Fortunately for Bug, staff members found foster parents for him when they reached out.

The cat adapted quickly.

When his foster parents took him in to their home, Bug had no problems adjusting, immediately getting acquainted with his new space.

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

“When we brought him home, he was not scared at all. He was out and about,” his foster mom said. “As soon as you pet him, he would just start kissing on you and loving on you.”

But there’s one person who won over his love. His foster dad. Bug’s dog-person foster dad.

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

“Bug’s all about the love. He pretty much would not let my husband ignore him,” she told The Dodo. “My husband’s like, ‘Oh, we’re keeping him for sure.’”

Bug the cat was always beside him or on his lap, constantly licking him in adoration.

His foster dad returned the affection, constantly giving Bug his love. No surprises then when he told his wife and the shelter of his decision.

They wanted to adopt Bug.

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

The staff at the shelter found it funny that this dog loving person dad insisted with the adoption of the once stressed out cat.

Good news for Bug since he will now have a home, meaning he never has to return to a kennel or the streets.

Bug doesn’t just live with his parents in his new home either.

He has wonderful cat brothers all around him.

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

“He likes to play with his brothers,” his mom shared. “They were on top of the refrigerator. Leo was wanting to come over to me and get some attention, and Bug was just like, ‘No, we’re playing. We’re not done here.’”

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

It’s good to know that bug found himself a new home.

One with loving humans and many furry siblings for his socializing.

Bug was actually in high demand with many people concerned for him. Many others wanted to take him home as well.

YouTube-The Dodo Source: YouTube-The Dodo

It’s so good to know that many others wanted to provide Bug with a good life. Bug, like many others, deserve as much love and affection as they can get.

After all, they only live for a decade or so.

Watch Bug blend in with his new family in the video below!

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