Bodycam captures Idaho sheriff’s hilarious run-in with angry turkeys

A cop’s life is full of surprises. They get different types of calls and adventures on a daily basis. They should be at it as soon as they wear their uniform while carrying their job description’s motto, “To Protect and to Serve.”

Not all of their calls are crime-related, though.

There are always those rare cases wherein their job gets really interesting.

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Just like this sheriff’s deputy officer who ran into an angry group of potential troublemakers.

This officer had his bodycam rolling just in case something unexpected happened.

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A sheriff’s deputy officer arrived on a not-so-busy road in Ada, Idaho. He turned his bodycam on as soon as he stepped out of his police mobile.

It’s quite an idle road, and he started to walk towards something that wasn’t quite clear yet. But as he got closer, things became more visible…

The troublemakers were a group of turkeys.

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Three of them to be exact – just wandering in the middle of the spacious road.

Some might say that meddling with turkeys is not worthy of an officer’s time. However, it was not just the turkeys that concerned him – it was also the vehicles. If it so happened that they got hit by a speeding car, then things might really get ugly.

The officer just took a precautionary measure and decided to lead them away before something bad happened. Just like the famous line says, “prevention is better than cure.” He just wants to prevent the turkeys from getting hurt.

The officer tried to shoo them away, but two of the turkeys didn’t care much.

Turkeys are usually a skittish bird and are scared of people, according to Wikipedia,

“Turkeys have been known to be aggressive toward humans and pets in residential areas. Wild turkeys have a social structure and pecking order and habituated turkeys may respond to humans and animals as they do to another turkey. Habituated turkeys may attempt to dominate or attack people that the birds view as subordinates.”

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When you come across aggressive turkeys, they recommend that you do the following.

“The town of Brookline, Massachusetts, recommends that citizens be aggressive toward the turkeys, take a step towards them, and not back down. Brookline officials have also recommended “making noise (clanging pots or other objects together); popping open an umbrella; shouting and waving your arms; squirting them with a hose; allowing your leashed dog to bark at them; and forcefully fending them off with a broom.”

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But these two gobblers went on the offense and decided to have a run-in with the officer.

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They became aggressive and loud as the officer closed in his distance on them. It looked like they wanted a piece of the peacemaker.

He yelled and tried to scare them away but it didn’t work.

The officer was forced to bring out his baton to intimidate the birds because they were getting ready to go into attack-mode.

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He did everything that he could – he yelled, waved his baton, hit the ground with it, and he even mimicked their sounds.

Eventually, though, he ended up overpowered by the giant birds.

Instead of the trio of turkeys backing down, he was the one who backed down- all the way to his vehicle.

It’s evident that he intended to get them off the road to avoid any possible and ugly circumstances. After several minutes of confronting the turkeys, he decided to concede and got back to his vehicle.

The officer exclaimed in defeat,

“You guys are angry!”

It looked like it wasn’t the officer’s day as the turkeys won the harmless confrontation.

Watch the funny stand-off between the officer and the turkeys in the video below.

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Source: Shareably, KTVB
