Skilled shipbuilder uses experience to create spectacular wooden bathtubs

Ever had a skill that turned out to be good for more than one thing? A lot of folks do. Someone’s hand for sketching could lend itself well to logo design. A talent for folding could work just as well with both fabric and paper.

Learning a skill can have a lot more uses than whatever you learned it for. It’s always a pleasant surprise too.

This former shipbuilder is putting his craft into something else, and he’s getting some recognition.

YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking Source: YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking

Nathie Katzoff is a veteran shipbuilder from Seattle. The years have allowed him to hone and fine-tune his craft at handling wood. Building sea-worthy boats is no easy task, after all.

Plus, he needs to make them look good too. The client needs to feel like they got their money’s worth.

Since moving on from shipbuilding, Katzoff has now began making wooden bathtubs of the best quality.

He also makes art stairs and large-scale sculptures. Though it’s his finely-crafted, gorgeous bathtubs that have our attention.

Bathtubs, and bathrooms by extension, are almost synonymous with the color white. That pearly hue is the “default” color for anything in the bathroom – be it sinks or bathtubs.

But Katzoff shows what we’re missing if we keep sticking to the bathroom status quo.

His wooden bathtubs would make a great contrast against the white (or near-white) porcelain and tiles of most bathrooms.

His motivation comes from the inherent beauty he sees in natural materials

“When you walk in and you see one of these pieces, this is where your eye is gonna focus. The rest of the bathroom is gonna fade away.” – Katzoff said about the pieces he makes

A gorgeous piece of art and engineering like this isn’t made overnight.

It takes a skilled team of designers working nonstop to finish one.

The biggest part of making them is making sure all the measurements are right – inside and out. It’s not just about being watertight. They’ve also got to keep their curvature or smoothness no matter what.

YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking Source: YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking

Katzoff cares about their longevity. He has a dislike for disposable or “throw-away” culture. He wants his bathtubs to last decades if possible.

He spent years making sure his ships can handle all the water they end up in.

YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking Source: YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking

So he went from making sure water doesn’t get in, to making sure it doesn’t get out.

Not to mention the designs he makes are breathtaking too. They maintain the wood patterns on them, but are sanded and polished to perfection.

“Smooth” and “graceful are the words Katzoff used.

YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking Source: YouTube screenshot - NK Woodworking

With wood as his canvas, Katzoff makes masterpiece after masterpiece every time. And if you’ve got the cash, you can have one of his masterpieces in your very home.

They are certainly works of art in every way. I can imagine one of these bathtubs hogging the spotlight of any bathroom.

Listen to how Katzoff makes them in the video below. Be sure to share this article too!

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Source: NK Woodworking on YouTube,, NK Woodworking and Design on Facebook
