Single mom adopts two children at separate times - only to discover they're blood relatives

Every so often, we come across a story that seems too unbelievable to be true. These stories make us believe that there are such things as fate and destiny that exist in the world – it wouldn’t be right to simply put it down to coincidence.

Our latest tale of astonishing impossibility features a lady called Katie.

Instagram: @woodandgraceblog Source: Instagram: @woodandgraceblog

Katie’s life hit a particular rough patch when she reached her 30s. Her marriage ended, and she was left with the knowledge that starting her own family suddenly seemed very unlikely. But she refused to be weighed down by the cards she had been dealt. She picked herself up and carried on.

Making the decision to let go of her past, Katie moved house and embarked on a new career journey. She decided that not having a partner shouldn’t prevent her from being a mother – and so she signed up to be a foster carer.

After working together with a caseworker, 2016 became a very exciting year for Katie. She was finally ready to foster her first child.

The little boy that Katie would bring into her home was called Grayson. Aged just 4 years old, little Grayson had spent 11 months in foster care after being dropped off at the local hospital. Katie knew that she was more than ready to form a family with her new foster son.

Instagram: @woodandgraceblog Source: Instagram: @woodandgraceblog

It wasn’t long before Katie made the milestone decision to officially adopt Grayson as her own son.

Even with Grayson in her care, Katie contemplated fostering another child, but she decided to spend time bonding with Grayson before introducing a brother or sister to him.

But when fate intervened with her plans, who was Katie to say no?

Katie received a call from her caseworker about a month later. There was another little girl who needed fostering – and she had been dropped off at the same hospital as Grayson.

Logically, Katie thought that she should turn down the opportunity to foster another child. But something was stopping her. She explained:

“I know over the next 10 minutes and subsequent phone calls I made that afternoon, the phrase ‘I know I am crazy, but God is telling me to say YES’ kept coming out of my mouth.”

It was only when Katie took the little girl, Hanna, into her home that the true extent of her miracle began to unfold.

Instagram: @woodandgraceblog Source: Instagram: @woodandgraceblog

Hanna’s hospital bracelet revealed some interesting information: her biological mother’s first name was the same as Grayson’s mother’s. While this could have just been a coincidence, Katie decided to investigate some more.

What Katie found was even more of a coincidence: Grayson’s mother shared the same birth date as Hanna’s mom.

Things were starting to add up in Katie’s eyes, and she eventually managed to track down Hanna’s mother. As she suspected, the woman was also Grayson’s mother. If Katie hadn’t have accepted the second little girl into her home, the siblings could have been separated throughout their entire childhood.

Instagram: @woodandgraceblog Source: Instagram: @woodandgraceblog

2018 came around, and Katie officially adopted Hanna. But two children weren’t enough for her! She fostered another baby boy, Jackson, and it looks as if she may adopt him in the future, too.

Katie never thought she’d have a family of her own, but she ended up adopting two adorable siblings without even intending to.

Instagram: @woodandgraceblog Source: Instagram: @woodandgraceblog

This beautiful story is proof that that being proactive in following your dreams can help you to achieve anything you want in life. For Katie, her reward was three beautiful adopted children.

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Source: Relieved, Newsner, Instagram
