Mom bribes baby with food to say 'mama' – bursts out laughing when dog says it first

Mama is all set up to teach her little one to say Mama

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Almost every Mom is more than willing to spend as much time with their babies to teach them to talk. They just can’t wait to hear the first time baby says the word, “Mama”. Such is the case with Andrea who is getting herself all set up to give Sam who is her nine-month-old son a lesson on saying, “Mama”. The family dog Patch is getting in on the action too.

A Busy Place

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Mom has a tasty dish of food in hand ready to reward Sam and to use as a bribe to keep his attention. There are others in the room acting as encouragement for Sam as well. Every once in awhile Patch chimes in.

Mama Is Heard

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As different ones are repeating the word “Mama” a very distinct MaMa is heard.

As Mom moves the spoon of food towards Sam, Patch clearly barks out the word Mama. With full expectations of getting what is on that spoon.

Sam in the meantime is just taking it all in. He is not interested in Patch doing his job of speaking Mama, he just wants the food.

A Repeat Performance

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Some may think that this was a fluke or a bit of a stretch of the imagination. After watching the video there will be no doubt in anyone’s mind who hears it. Patch repeats himself several times and the look on his face tells you he expects to be rewarded.

Sam Has Had Enough of Patch

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Sam has been very observant through all of this. But, after Patch doing all the talking Same decides it time for Patch to be quiet. He reaches out to give Patch a bit of a push aside.

Patch The Family Dog

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As can be seen in the video Patch is very much a part of the family. He has played an important role in being of great assistance to the grandmother of the family. She had suffered brain trauma from a car accident. This has caused her to have seizures. Patch senses when this is about to happen and has the instinct to alert another family member.

He is a beautiful miniature Australian Shepard Dog and obviously of extreme intelligence.

Video A Big Hit

The video, of course, went viral and has had over 13 million views. It has brought such pleasure to so many of the viewers. What lets you know how impressive this is the likes and dislikes. It has 22K likes and only 507 dislikes.

Australian Shepherd Breed

In general, this breed of dog is known for its intelligence. They are dogs that love to work and to please. They are said to be at their happiest when doing so. However, they are not being recognized as having the ability to breed. But then again perhaps Patch is setting a trend for the future.

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Source: Sam Giovanini
