Smart Golden Retriever never misses chance to show off her “retrieving” skills

Dogs and postmen don’t usually get along very well and we’ve seen this many times already.
That is the reason why many mailmen are a bit uneasy when it comes to homes with dogs. Usually, they will check out the neighborhood first, to make sure that the coast is clear before delivering the mail.

This has possibly even become a favorite hobby for a lot of dogs since, after a couple of times of seeing the postal truck and the mailman, you’d think they’d become used to the routine already.
However, whenever they sense that the postal truck is coming, they become alert and ready to chase – but not all dogs are the same.
Especially when it comes this Golden Retriever.

A video that was posted by Mary Safir last 2016 went viral because of the adorable dog in the video.
In fact, it has more than 3.5M views and thousands of comments as well.
It’s all about an adorable Golden Retriever who is not just friendly, but also a very good doggo who has decided that she will be the best assistant to a mailman ever.

This gorgeous Golden retriever patiently waits beside the mailbox of her home. She isn’t there to chase the postal truck away, though. In fact, she’s there waiting patiently because she’s excited to see the truck!
She waits for the postal truck like a child waiting patiently for the ice cream truck to come.
As soon as she sees the truck, she stands up and… would you look at that excited tail wag!

She sure is excited to see who’s coming!
We all know that Golden Retrievers are more than just the cuddliest breed of dogs. Aside from their gentle and friendly characteristics, these dogs are also known for their retrieving skills.
In fact, even if they are not working for law enforcement, Golden Retrievers still have their innate retrieving skills in them just waiting to be put into practice.

This dog here has found her calling – to be the mail retriever!
In fact, she’s so eager that she didn’t even wait for the truck to reach her home – she slowly walked to the neighbor’s house and greeted the truck like it was her friend.
Then, she excitedly runs back to her home as the truck starts again. The kind mailwoman slows down and waits for her canine assistant.

While the lady scans through the mail, the beautiful doggo waits patiently but her tail? Yeah…not so much.
That fluffy tail still wags in full-force with enthusiasm!
If we didn’t see the truck, we’d almost think that this doggo is waiting for a yummy treat!

After waiting for a little bit, the lady carefully gives the mail to the Golden Retriever and then starts to leave.
The happy doggo begins to walk towards her home but takes one last look at the postal truck as if to say “goodbye” and “see you again”!

Many commenters have expressed their joy over seeing such a wonderful doggo.
Indeed, her little “task” she so eagerly executes has given a smile to all of us.
Check out this good girl wait patiently to enthusiastically fetch the mail in the video below.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.
Source: Mary Safir