Smug German shepherd hilariously outwits Dad after being put on a diet

Taking care of pets goes beyond feeding them and cleaning them.

Remember when we were kids and we ask our parents for a puppy like it’s going to feed itself? Now that we’re older, we realize how difficult it is to keep a pet.

Flickr - MarkScottAustinTX Source: Flickr - MarkScottAustinTX

Take dogs, for example. At first glance, you’d think that all you need to do is feed them and bathe them. Maybe take them for walks every now and then. But some of the responsibilities are a bit more difficult – like maintaining their weight.

Different dogs have different body types.

Some dogs are leaner than others, like Afghan hounds, Greyhounds, or the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Some dogs are heftier, like Saint Bernards, English bulldogs, and pit bulls.

Flickr - MarkScottAustinTX Source: Flickr - MarkScottAustinTX

And while their body types are different, all dogs get fat. Their ribs can disappear under their coats and their bodies tend to be bigger than their heads. While it’s comical, it also poses an array of health risks.

One family decided to keep their dog in shape.

A German shepherd dog named Bear made his fur parents conscious about the weight he’s putting on. As with any weight loss, there are two options: more exercise or less food.

YouTube - Crazy Shepherd Source: YouTube - Crazy Shepherd

This family thought that the food approach can be an effective way to help Bear lose weight. But it can be a bit tedious given that they have to feed Bear on time and at least three times a day, just like any other pet.

But thanks to technology, they can feed Bear and make sure he doesn’t overeat.

Enter the pet “WiFi feeder.” This piece of sophisticated technology houses your dog food or kibbles in a secure container. They have models where you can set a time to when the dog food will be released or models that have “complicated” ways of activating it.

YouTube - Crazy Shepherd Source: YouTube - Crazy Shepherd

The family got on such a device for their dog Bear. If he can’t get to his treats as easy, then they would’ve won half the battle.

In a video posted on Bear’s channel, his owner showed how the device works.

They activated the device by double-pressing the center button. Dog food trickled out in measured serving. Throughout the demonstration, you can see a looming shadow of a dog. Bear is unseen but he’s watching.

YouTube - Crazy Shepherd Source: YouTube - Crazy Shepherd

The owners thought that if it takes “two presses” just to get food, then there’s no way Bear could get his treats.

YouTube - Crazy Shepherd Source: YouTube - Crazy Shepherd

Then, Bear simply “bites” on the button twice.

His owners stared in wonder and surprise at how quickly their German shepherd figured out their supposedly fool-proof device.

YouTube - Crazy Shepherd Source: YouTube - Crazy Shepherd

They watched helplessly as Bear devoured serving after serving of dog food.

And to rub salt into their wounds, Bear stopped mid-chew and just stared at them.

He stared at them in smugness, disappointment, and triumph. Maybe that will teach them to not underestimate Bear when you stand between him and his food.

YouTube - Crazy Shepherd Source: YouTube - Crazy Shepherd

Thinking of getting a WiFi feeder? Well, maybe don’t let your dog see how you get the treats.

Watch Bear outwit his owners (and the automatic feeder) in the video below!

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: YouTube – Crazy Shepherd, American Kennel Club
