Snowmobiling couple discovers 3 abandoned, freezing puppies

Kat and her partner Corey were simply enjoying some time sledding on a mountain. They didn’t think too much of it. The couple from Utah was just trying to relax and explore.

Their icy trip suddenly took a turn, though, when they discovered three abandoned puppies who were in need of help — and it was urgent.

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The poor puppies were lost and cold. And they were really flirting with danger, too, as they were very much fighting for their lives and trying to survive.

The puppies were only about seven weeks old. Luckily, they were eventually able to get them off of the mountain with a sleigh.

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When the couple made the discovery, Kat soon took to her Facebook page to share what they had found with the rest of the world:

“WHAT A DAY!!! So yesterday when Corey and I were sledding on monte we came across a great pyrenees mama dog that had recently had pups… Loooong story short…weber county search and rescue helped out with a sleigh and we were able to get the puppies off the mountain. They are about 7 wks old.”

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The puppies were safely transported off the mountain thanks to the couple as well as Weber Country Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue.

After Kat shared what had happened, a lot of people had some concerns about where the puppies’ mother could be.

“We tried to get close but we had no food to tempt her. She was having no part of us…Unfortunately, I was unable to catch the mom. We had to leave her behind,” Kat shared.

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Fear not though — Kat had started a fundraiser so that they could attempt to go back out and search for the mama dog. “I’m not going to leave any animal on the mountain to starve, especially, it was obvious she had pups,” Kat said.

Many attempts were made and sadly, the puppies’ mother was nowhere to be found. Eventually, they had no choice but to throw in the towel. It’s unfortunate but the good news is that they had more time to put into the puppies and make sure they were healthy and safe.

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Then the team brought the three puppies back to Kat where they would be pampered with a warm bath, food and lots of water. With all of that combined with Kat and Corey’s instant love, they were definitely nice and warmed up.

Thankfully, the pups recovered quite fast.

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“They were living in a sheep carcass,” Kat said. “She had found a dead sheep and they had eaten, there was nothing left, just a little bit of wool and a few big bones. I’m sure that’s what she’d been eating on all fall.”

It is good that they were able to survive for that long on just that but if it wasn’t for Kat giving them food and a warm bath, they probably wouldn’t have lived for much longer.

“The puppies went to the vet this afternoon and they are doing very well. They are skinny but are eating everything in sight. They are about 7 weeks old and are old enough to be weaned,” Kat continued.

These pups may have had a rough few weeks, but we’re glad they are recovering fast and living in a safe home now!

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Source: Animal Channel
