Retired soldier helps veterans by making handcrafted canes out of old Christmas trees

When leaving the military and going back to “normal” life, many soldiers struggle with adapting.

The routine and regiment combined with the action and excitement of touring is wildly different than suburbia. For many, finding a hobby they love is key to reacclimating.

Todd Trapani Source: Todd Trapani

Jamie Willis is a US Army vet from Texas who happened to turn that hobby into a viral sensation.

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Willis is a hard worker. After his years in the service, he was considered a 100% disabled veteran and needed to figure out what the rest of his life would look like.

In 2016, Willis started a company called Canes for Veterans Central Texas.

Facebook - j.willis1122 Source: Facebook - j.willis1122

The whole goal of the organization was to create custom canes for veterans who needed help walking. Depending on people’s injuries, a cane can be an inventive way to help stay mobile. Willis wasn’t looking to make any profits from his sales, either. His whole goal was to just help veterans who needed it.

His own cane from Veterans Affairs had failed him before and he knew that there were more stylish options out there.

Facebook - j.willis1122 Source: Facebook - j.willis1122

Finding the group Free Canes for Veterans, he asked if they had a cane to spare. Oscar Morris, the leader of the organization, let him know they were totally out. Instead, he taught him how to make his own!

After making his very first cane, Willis knew this was something big.

Facebook - j.willis1122 Source: Facebook - j.willis1122

He asked Morris from Free Canes if he could help them start a branch of the organization in central Texas! With Morris’ encouragement, he started their central Texas branch, aptly named Free Canes for Veterans Central Texas. Willis was the 5th veteran to start their own branch!

Now, after starting, Willis has made over 200 canes!

Facebook - j.willis1122 Source: Facebook - j.willis1122

His work is for more than people in Texas, too! He has gone international, shipping canes all across the world to people who need them. With so many canes, you might be wondering where he gets all the supplies and wood from. You’d be surprised by the answer!

Willis funds the operation off of donated Christmas trees!

Facebook - j.willis1122 Source: Facebook - j.willis1122

For the past three years, Willis has gotten all the wood he could need from people donating their Christmas trees! As the operation increases, so do the donations! Even Lowes and Home Depot have helped pitch in some trees.

Other than the shipping, the vets who get a cane receive it totally free.

Willis isn’t trying to get rich selling canes to veterans, he just wants to help. Even more, if the shipping is too expensive Willis will often cover the entire cost out of his own pocket! He spends an entire tree and a full day on each of his canes.

With all of his amazing work, Willis has been recognized nationally!

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In 2020, Willis received a Congressional Record for his service to the nation. Now that’s quite the award! It’s amazing what you can do with a little ingenuity, some old Christmas trees, and a huge heart.

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Source: CNN, Canes for Veterans Central Texas
