Dog's joy is uncontainable when he lays eyes on soldier mom returning from deployment
We all love our pets, and leaving them can be an extremely tough thing for any of us. Military personnel have to leave home for long stretches to complete various tours overseas. Leaving home means they say goodbye to friends, family, and yes, even pets.
Our soldiers can take heart knowing that their family will be waiting for them when they return, but their pet is different. Pets don’t have a long life expectancy, and might not even remember the owner when they return.
Reading the mind of a human is difficult, but it’s much easier than guessing at what your dog is thinking. They could be sad that we are leaving, and we would never even know.
After a long deployment, a US Army soldier worried that her dog might forget her while she was deployed.
The US Army had deployed Casandra Cabrera for around ten months. She had some forms of communication with her close loved ones, but she didn’t really have an opportunity to see or talk to her dog, Missy May. Casandra missed her wonderful canine and longed to see her again.
When asked, Casandra mentioned, “I left when she had just turned 1 and wasn’t sure if she would remember me, after all, that time.”
Casandra had nothing to worry about. Casandra’s mother, Robbi Cabrera, brought Missy May to the airport with her to pick up Casandra from her deployment. They did not want to delay Casandra and Missy May’s reunion by one minute! Missy May does not realize what she is doing there and is standing with Robbi very calmly.
Mother to the rescue! Casandra’s mom, Robbi Cabrera let Missy May accompany her on her trip to the airport. Casandra’s mother wanted the reunion to happen as quickly as possible. Anxious, Missy May had no clue why she was at the airport, but she waited patiently standing by Robbi’s side with composure.
But instantly, the moment Missy May spots her owner Casandra coming off the plane she darts straight for her owner!
Robbi has to let go of Missy May’s leash, so Missy can show just how ecstatic she is. She is jumping all over her mom in complete happiness. Missy May cannot get enough of Casandra! Missy May missed Casandra just as much as Casandra missed her.
Robbi Cabrera let go of the leash, and the canine goes crazy with love for her owner, jumping all-around in ecstatic joy. It’s beautiful to see the reunion as both dog and owner missed each other tremendously.
It’s like a dream come true for Missy May! Her owner, mother, and friend has returned!
The lovefest continues as Casandra desperately tries to stand up, but Missy May simply won’t allow her owner any breathing room. She even stands on her hind legs as she smothers her mother and licks her face. Casandra, having missed those doggy kisses, is glad to be reunited with her canine friend.
In a frenzy, Missy May runs back to Robbi as if to say “Look who’s here!” But then quickly returns to the side of her best friend.
The incredible reunion is complete with belly rubs, doggy kisses, hugs, and attention. Even when it seems that Missy May is running out of energy, she reaches down inside herself and goes crazy over her owner again! It’s the best reunion Casandra could imagine.
It’s been a long ten months, but nobody got hugs or attention before Missy May. Even Robbi, Casandra’s mom, waited her turn while the dog and soldier shared their beautiful moment. Missy May even came prepared with an American flag bandana courtesy of Robbi to celebrate the occasion.
Both Robbi and Missy May are proud to call Casandra theirs and waste no time welcoming her home!
It takes a while for the beautiful canine Missy May to settle down around Casandra. After all, these two have a lot of new memories to create as they catch up on old times!
Catch it for yourself right here!!!
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Source: Shareably