Pregnant mom unexpectedly goes into labor – her 10-year-old son delivers the baby

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Ashley Moreau had been pregnant for just under eight months when she went into labor with no ability to get to the hospital. Luckily, her son stepped up to help.

It all began when Ashley went to the bathroom one morning. The next thing she knew, her water had broken.

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She was shocked, as her baby wasn’t due for over a month.

Then she looked down and saw that her son’s feet were sticking out.

Ashley panicked. Her fiance had already left for work. The only other people at home were her one-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son, Jaden.

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So the mother called out for her son to come to her aid. Jaden arrived and was shocked at the sight of blood all over the bathroom floor.

Then Jaden saw his baby brother’s feet. They were purple. The boy worried that the baby wasn’t breathing. He realized that he needed to do something fast.

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Jaden then ran over to his grandmother’s home. The grandmother called up the police for help.

While the grandmother was calling, Jaden ran back home to see if his mother and brother needed help.

“He just like took a deep breath and was like, ‘Ok mom, just tell me what I need to do,’ and he didn’t even look scared.” – Ashley.

Jaden’s calmness and maturity reassured her. She had always known that she could rely on her eldest, but this was a whole new level.

The mother then said that they had to get the baby out as soon as possible, as he couldn’t breathe.

So Jaden grabbed his brother by the legs and started pulling gently. Ashley started pushing.

In just a couple of minutes, the baby brother had come into the world.

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But the baby wasn’t breathing. Jaden rushed to the kitchen. He located a nasal aspirator.

The brought it over to the baby and started using it to try and clear the newborn’s airways.

Luckily, the paramedics showed up at that moment.

They looked at the baby and noticed that he was breathing. Jaden had successfully resuscitated him.

Still, the paramedics rushed the mother and baby to the hospital. Soon, the doctors were able to ensure that the baby was healthy and that the mother was stable.

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Ashley’s fiance, Kelsie, only heard about the incident by the time that Ashley and the baby were in the hospital. He has since praised Jaden as a hero.

After a short stay in the hospital, Ashley and the newborn were cleared to return home.

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A news report on Jaden’s heroism then appeared online, where it has made a major impact.

To date, over 380,000 people have seen the footage. It also has more than 10,000 likes and 750 comments. People have been saying things like this:

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The entire family now owes a huge debt to Jaden.

But Jaden does not seem like the kind of person to revel in what he has done. Yet one thing is for sure: he will be an incredible older brother to his two younger siblings.

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Source: KPRC 2 Click2Houston
