Homeless couple takes care of missing teen with special needs for 3 weeks

What started out as a normal night became a nightmare.

One can only imagine the pain a parent goes through when a child gets lost for days. A mother who was battling cancer had to endure days of anxiety and grief in hopes of seeing her child again.


But throughout the ordeal, we also get to witness the best in humanity. It was a testament that those who have none always had the most to give.

Kate Byrum-Kocurek was just having a normal conversation with her son Micah.

Kate said he was reminding the 17-year-old boy with learning disabilities to always finish his chores and to take care of his siblings.

That same night Micah stepped out of the house for a while. They thought he was just going to get some fresh air. They would never see him again that night.

Kate and her husband quickly searched for Micah when he didn’t come back on time.

“I looked both ways and across the street. I thought we would walk this way because this is the way we walk his little sister to school. He left his phone, he left his shoes, he left in exactly what he was wearing.” Kate said to FOX 26.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston Source: YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston

What followed is a frantic search for Micah, led by her mother Kate, father Brandon, and four other siblings.

They passed out flyers and sought help from nearby establishments for their surveillance footage, and the gaming chatrooms Micah frequented.

They were worried about Micah because the weather was about to get colder.

But unbeknownst to them, Micah was safe and secure. He was cared for by what Kate would eventually dub as “angels.”

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston Source: YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston

Kate received a picture showing a boy that looks almost like her son. The sender had doubts but Kate was certain it was Micah.

They found the boy five miles from Houston.

Micah survived the harsh weather thanks to a homeless couple who wished to have their location and identities confidential.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston Source: YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston

The couple had been feeding Micah every day. They also cleaned his clothes and gave him warmer clothing. When he was found, Kate said that Micah was in “really good condition,” thanks to the couple.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston Source: YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston

The good people who took Micah in didn’t have electricity or social media so they never really had an idea that people were looking for the boy.

It turns out, they found Micah just in time.

He was found just three days before his 18th birthday. Kate said that if Micah wasn’t considered a minor, it would’ve been difficult to mount a search since he’d be considered independent. As for Micah, he just hopes other children are found as well.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston Source: YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston

“I hope that we can find more people, because I know there’s a lot of other kids that went missing that aren’t as lucky as I am to get found,” Micah said to FOX 5 Atlanta.

Kate advises parents to have their kids memorize important numbers and addresses.

This can help children seek help from authorities especially when they don’t have their devices with them.

YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston Source: YouTube Screenshot - FOX 26 Houston

As for the couple, Kate only has this to say: “Those people, they’re his angels. They’re my angels.”

Watch how this teen made his way back home thanks to a homeless couple.

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Source: YouTube – FOX 26 Houston, FOX 5 , FOX 26, Facebook – Surfside Beach, TX Police Department
