Starving stray found with jar stuck on head, unable to eat for weeks

Stray dogs, once domesticated but now abandoned or lost, roam the streets in search of food and shelter.

Often seen wandering alone or in packs, they scour the neighborhood daily for sustenance, frequently resorting to garbage bins for their meals.

The Dodo Youtube Source: The Dodo Youtube

Because of hunger and feeling of abandonment, stray dogs usually have traumas and are afraid of humans.

Since they are also searching for food in garbages, they are prone to accidents like what happened to this dog.

The rescuer doesn’t know how long this jar was on her head.

The rescuer found this skinny dog with a jar in her head running around.

And the rescuer was sure that this dog had been hungry and thirsty for a long time.

Fortunately, other rescuers came to get the dog.

New life in foster home

The rescuers decided to bring the dog to the foster home to get off the jar in her head. Finally, the jar popped out and the dog was free to eat and drink.

The Dodo Youtube Source: The Dodo Youtube

But due to trauma and abuse from people, she’s afraid to be close to humans.

At first, she was always in the bathroom and did not want to eat.

She was really having a hard time dealing with people.

The Dodo Youtube Source: The Dodo Youtube

The good thing about the people in foster care is that they didn’t force this dog to mingle with them right away.

The Dodo Youtube Source: The Dodo Youtube

But finally, she was ready!

One day, this dog finally realized that the dog bed was comfortable to sleep on.

She even jumped on the couch to sleep there.

She was also ready to eat food and drink a lot of water.

The Dodo Youtube Source: The Dodo Youtube

And, before we forget, her rescuers decided to name her Winnie!

Winnie and her journey to find a new family

The Dodo Youtube Source: The Dodo Youtube

Winnie was placed in another home with another dog that the family already owned named Maple.

Due to her new environment, Winnie started to adjust to the new home, new people, and yes with new dogs.

It wasn’t completely easy for her, as she wasn’t used to her new surroundings but pretty soon Winnie found her new best friend – a dog named Maple!

Winnie and Maple.

Winnie started to observe Maple’s behavior.

They started playing together then Winnie started to trust her new owners.

Yes, she’s now part of the pack!

There are a lot of positive comments about this video from The Dodo.

They said that they are happy that Winnie has a family now.

And Winnie deserve a life of happiness and play!

The Dodo Youtube Source: The Dodo Youtube

The video was documented and shared by Boonie Flight Project.

According to the website of Boonie Flight Project, their mission is to find a home off the island but unfortunately it is extremely expensive to fly dogs to the US from Guam.

Current estimates for a single adult dog range from $2,000-$4,000+ depending on size and weight and that is where the Boonie Flight Project comes in.

While acknowledging that stray dogs may present concerns for public health and safety, it’s vital to recognize that they are sentient beings deserving of compassion and dignity.

By actively working to safeguard and nurture stray dogs, we can contribute to their well-being, allowing them to lead lives filled with health and contentment.

See the inspiring tale of Winnie’s rescue in the video below.

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