Swing dancers turn up the heat in viral routine that thousands are still watching

If you didn’t know swing dance could be sexy, you’re a couple of decades behind the movement. West Coast Swing, while based on the retro Lindy Hop, is a partner dance with many different flavors.

In fact, the late Jason Colacino and his partner Katie Boyle were masters of the art until his untimely death in 2009 from cardiac arrest and pneumonia. He was just 31.

But he was happy and healthy in the video he posted to his YouTube account 11 years ago – a particularly steamy performance with Boyle that has now been viewed over 1.3 million times, despite being a relatively grainy video.

Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube

Both clad in jeans but with Boyle bearing some serious midriff, the pair’s moves are full of sleek spins as a bluesy soundtrack plays in the background.

While none of this sounds like it goes together, the duo makes it work.

Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube

Their slow dips and elastic movements all done at an arm’s distance are the hallmarks of West Coast swing dancing.

Boyle moves her body in perfect rhythm to the music, even mimicking the instruments with her hips at times – it’s not only a great performance but a well-choreographed routine as well.

Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube

Despite what some might consider relatively skimpy garb and sexy moves, there’s nothing overtly erotic about the dance that makes it seems inappropriate. In fact, it’s sexiness at its best – not in your face or too obvious.

“SUPER sexy, but in a way that you don’t feel dirty watching. These guys are world-class, too bad I only just now discovered them but I’m an instant, fanatical fan!!” agreed one viewer.

Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube

The song is Buddy Guy’s blues standard “Five Long Years,” about a man who works hard at a steel mill to support his girlfriend, only to have her dump him in the end.

While the couple doesn’t necessarily relate all of their moves directly to the lyrics, you can gatch a glimpse of the siren song of a woman who uses her wiles to get what she wants.

But we bet Buddy Guy never envisioned his factory worker doing a split in response!

Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube

The pair has an appreciative audience on their side that cheers with both big moves and cute moments.

It’s unclear if this performance took place at a competition or an exhibition, but the swing community tends to be very welcoming and supportive at all of their events

It’s clear that everyone watching appreciates their world-class talent, including those commenting on YouTube (a notoriously tough crowd).

“Alright, that’s just stupid good! I cannot believe my eyes. There is no one that can follow the beat like these two. Original yet not flashy. Love, love, love it,” said one viewer.

Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube Source: Screenshot via Jasoncolacino/YouTube

Colacino left his mark on the swing dance world early. Starting out in line dancing as a teen, he went on to dance Jazz, Ballet, Ballroom, Argentine Tango, and Salsa as well.

Dancing with both Boyle and his other frequent partner, Gina Amato-Brown, he won a US Open Swing title and three World Cabaret titles.

In Loving Memory of Jason Colacino/Facebook Source: In Loving Memory of Jason Colacino/Facebook

Prior to his untimely passing, he was dancing, choreographing routines for other dancers, as well as judging competitions and teaching dance around the world.

It appears Boyle has moved on from the dance world now (at least in part) and now works as a pediatric nurse.

Be sure to scroll down below to see one of their many epic performances.

Please SHARE this with your friends and family.

Source: Legacy.com, Jason Colacino via YouTube, In Loving Memory of Jason Colacino via Facebook
