Stepdad shows up at 10-year-old stepdaughter's school with news of official adoption

Growing up with only one parent makes some children incomplete.

Pexels - Tatiano Syrikova Source: Pexels - Tatiano Syrikova

While one feels content with having just mom or dad by their side, it can sometimes feel empty. A child can see other children having both parents and would wonder why they can’t have that, too. It’s normal to feel that way.

So, when someone steps in their parent’s life to fill that void, they wish it will be forever.

Pexels - Oila Danilevich Source: Pexels - Oila Danilevich

For most, it means that their parent would marry their life partner and adopt them as their own. It’s a long shot, but every child would love that. This is what makes adoption stories truly heartwarming because of the acceptance and love painted all over them.

Myke Rousell and Camryn’s story is one of those.

Myke started dating his (now) wife Sarah in 2016. Both are single parents and have two children from their past relationships. Having a “blended” family is not an ideal situation, but Myke and Sarah loved it.

Camryn was only five when her mom started dating Myke.

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

Some might think this was difficult for a child her age, but she and Myke clicked right away. According to Myke, there were alike in so many ways. By the time Camryn reached seven, she had asked him if she could use ‘Rousell’ as her last name.

This warmed Myke’s heart so much, he couldn’t help but say ‘yes.’

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

Excited as she was, Camryn started writing Rousell in almost everything! But there’s one place she couldn’t do so – in school. The school requires students to use their legal names and their legal status. Myke knew exactly how to solve this.

He worked his way to become Camryn’s legal father.

YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America Source: YouTube Screenshot - Good Morning America

It took him three long years, but the journey was worth it. He wanted to tell Camryn this wonderful news, and he and Sarah thought it would mean a lot to their little girl if they surprised her in school.

The couple waited for Camryn down the hall carrying made-out signs and flowers.

YouTube Screenshot - Dad and Boujie Source: YouTube Screenshot - Dad and Boujie

Watch the heartwarming surprise video below.

YouTube Screenshot - Dad and Boujie Source: YouTube Screenshot - Dad and Boujie

For Myke, adopting Camryn was a form of a promise to his daughter.

YouTube Screenshot - Dad and Boujie Source: YouTube Screenshot - Dad and Boujie

“I promised that I would always be there for her, I would love her unconditionally, and that I just wasn’t in her life by accident,” he said in an interview with Good Morning America.

He also wants to be a testament to adoptive parents that adoption works.

That no matter how unconventional a blended family is when the core of it is love and respect, it won’t matter that much at all. Like his family, they all worked well in harmony, and he is proud of the family he cared for and nurtured with Sarah.

He also sent a beautiful message to parents who are hoping to adopt.

“I understand what it feels like to go to (baseball or soccer) games and feel like the third wheel a lot of times – but you show up anyway. I just want you to know that you are appreciated, you are valued, and you are making a difference in these kids’ lives.”

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Source: Good Morning America YouTube Channel, Dad and Boujie Instagram Profile, Dan and Boujie YouTube Channel
