Steve Martin Was On “The Dating Game” In 1968 And It Was Hilarious

Let’s rewind and go back to the sixties when everything was groovy.
The Dating Game was all the rage back then, running from the sixties up to 1999, although it had different names, hosts, and formats. It was a much simpler time, when the youth was only beginning to discover their spirits.

Here’s an episode featuring Steve Martin. THAT Steve Martin.
Contestant Deana Martin—who is, in fact, Dean Martin’s daughter, is the pretty lady asking the three bachelors questions. They cannot see each other so she has to judge based only on their voices and answers.

Steve Martin is introduced as “an entertaining guy” currently writing for the Smothers Brothers.
The Game Show Network re-broadcast captured in the YouTube clip above drives the point home with a subtitle below his name that reads, “The wild and crazy guy.”

The other two bachelors, Richard Jones and Ed Maschiano, are pretty decent guys, answering Deana’s questions with all honesty laced with a bit of wit and play.
Steve is a different animal though.

Deana’s first question was dating and what’s wrong with it.
Richard says nothing. Steve comes back saying it’s wrong and that people should meet in a street corner, with a flat tire, and even the sewer. Deana can’t help but smile along with the chuckling audience.

When asked where he goes to run free, Steve responds with the closet where he can just stretch out and bang on the sides so he can be wild and do anything. Classic Steve.
Deana then asks Steve to complete a sentence. “This may sound a little weird but _?”
“I am naked right now.”
Quips Steve.

And if they could be trapped in a store all night long, which store and why?
Steve was itching to answer this one!
He goes with The Goodwill. Just so he can try on all the clothes including the lady’s hats. He’s barely finished and yet they’re all chuckling, including the host, Jim Lange.

Time is up and Deana has a few minutes to make her decision.
When asked which among the three men won her heart, Deana, without hesitation, says bachelor number two.
It was that Goodwill answer that she liked.

She gets to meet Richard and Ed as is customary, exchanging pleasantries with both men and eventually getting a Fujica pocket camera. Look at how retro that thing is! Groovy indeed!
When Steve is introduced and revealed, Deana unleashes such a gorgeous smile for him. Pretty sure Steve felt like he won the lottery here.

The two win a trip to Portofino, Italy. A beautiful village and holiday resort famous for its picturesque harbour and historical association with celebrity and artistic visitors.
Steve just proved that straight answers don’t always win a girl’s heart. Wit and humor can be effective when done properly. And this is what he became known for. Wholesome, straightforward comedy.
Go back in time and enjoy this hilarious episode of The Dating Game below!
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