Raspy-voiced Good Samaritan finds and returns woman’s lost wallet

When we lose our wallets, we often accept that we’ll never see it again.

Not unless there is an honest person who comes across your belongings and decides to do the right thing, even if it’s out of their way.

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Melanie Cook from North Carolina unexpectedly found herself on the receiving end of this heartwarming act of kindness when she lost something important. She did what most of us had done in the past – placing her belongings on the roof of her car as she was preparing to drive off.

Cook was on her way back from Mocksville to Clemmons when she realized she lost something.

The growing dread turned to a grave realization when she couldn’t find her wallet in her person, her things, or even inside her car. Apparently, moments before she stepped on the gas, her wallet was still on the roof of her car.

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They turned the car around and began retracing her steps to places she’d been to.

“We started making that trek back to Clemmons and called the last place that I had seen it. They couldn’t find it either,” she explained to WFMY.

In most cases, it’s not the cash inside the wallet that worries most folks. It’s things like driver’s licenses, credit and debit cards, and other important identification cards.

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“My husband got online and we started canceling the cards that could cause the most damage. And I’m thinking my driver’s license, things from work, everything was in my wallet.” Cook elaborated with the news outlet.

They began securing their credit lines as hopes of finding the wallet dwindled with every minute.

Just as they were about to give up, they got an unexpected call, not on their phones but their door security system.

As recorded by the camera on their front door, a man approached their house with something in his hand. He leaned forward and with his raspy voice, he asked if someone was home. Cook’s husband said that they were not home and couldn’t get the door for him. At that moment, with the help of a speaking device, the stranger said that he found his wife’s wallet.

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Apparently, the elderly couple was driving at the same route as Cook.

When they saw the wallet, they picked it up and inspected the identification cards among the contents. Once they got an address, they took the highway exit and drove to Cook’s residence.

“The woman said it looked like it had been run over, and the clasp is broken, but we didn’t take anything out of it!” said Cook, “And I thought that was just the epitome of honest – letting me know that they hadn’t touched anything.”

Cook thanked the couple but unfortunately, they were unable to get their names.

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Instead, she posted the recording on social media in hopes that they could find the couple.

“My mind was turning with everything that could’ve happened, and how much damage someone could’ve done to you personally. So it was just a blessing, and they were just so honest and so good to do that.” Cook added.

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Fortunately, these stories of “Good Samaritans” were not uncommon.

A man from Florida was also captured by a home security video. He also picked up a lost wallet from Walmart and drove all the way to the owner’s house just to return it.

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Just like the elderly couple from North Carolina, people filled with good deeds are much more common than we think. All we have to do is to follow their lead and be a blessing to others as well.

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Watch how this man with a raspy voice returns a lost wallet he and his wife found on a highway.

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Source: YouTube – WFMY News 2, WFMY 2, YouTube – First Coast News, NBC
