Delivery driver bravely crashed into burning house to save five kids trapped inside

When a 25-year-old pizza delivery driver was driving around 12:30 a.m., he was intrigued by what first looked like a small fire from a house. Little did he know, he will soon be celebrated as a new hero.

Indiana’s newest hero, Nicholas “Nick” Bostic.

With his natural instincts, Nick then decided to check the house. There was no smoke and the lights were turned on, it pretty much looked like people had already evacuated it.

The Good Samaritan wanted to make sure so he yelled a couple of times more to see if anyone was still inside. When he was halfway up the stairs, he ran into four kids rushing down.

Their parents, David, and Tiera Barrett left home about 30 minutes earlier for a date night. Thankfully, their 18-year-old daughter realized that their house was on fire, so she quickly woke all her siblings up.

Nick then decided to accompany the children, he thought of using the back door to get out of the burning house.

“I asked them if anybody was left in there ― and that’s when they told me that the 6-year-old was,” he told ABC 7 Chicago.

Time to be a hero.

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Nick instructed everyone to wait for him outside, he then quickly ran back inside the house to get the remaining kid. He checked the second floor, checked under the beds, inside each closet, behind the doors, and around desks.

“Anywhere I could think,” Nick explained while trying to tell the story. “I mean, I was high-tailing it, 110%. It started to get hard to see, because the smoke was getting bad. … I don’t know how to explain it, but it was like I accepted I was going to probably die, right there, that night. But it was a weird calm. You just got to work as fast as you can.”

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He searched for the kid for quite some time which according to him felt like “forever.” Then suddenly, he heard something coming from the first floor – someone was crying.

When he bounced back down the stairs, the smoke was already thick and he couldn’t figure out where the voice was coming from. According to him, what he did was pull his shirt up around his mouth, closed his eyes, and then started reaching into the thick smoke to locate where the kid was.

Using his guts and instinct, he managed to locate where the little girl was.

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The brave pizza delivery driver then picked the scared little girl up and put her against his shoulder to protect her from fire or any falling debris. The quick-thinking man thought about escaping the burning house by using either the front or back door, however, the smoke was just too thick and he could no longer see the way out.

He then decided to look upstairs for any other escape points, there he saw a bit of light. Nick remembered seeing a window in one of the rooms up there, it was now or never so he decided to take that option.

Thankfully, he managed to save all five children from their burning house.

The savior, however, suffered an injured backside arm, and ankle.

He took in all these damages to protect the last girl. Nick was eventually brought to Franciscan Health Hospital in Lafayette and was later on transferred to Eskenazi in Indianapolis.

Nick was treated for severe smoke inhalation and cuts to his arm from punching the window that he used as their escape route.

Because of his bravery, all the kids were safe and didn’t incur any serious injury, even the family’s dog was also rescued.

The children’s parents, David and Tiera are beyond thankful for what Nick did. They’re also grateful to the rest of the respondents who came to save their children.

“I literally told him he’s now part of our family,” David told the Purdue Exponent. “And he was all on board with it. Once we get settled someplace, we’re going to invite him over and his girlfriend for dinner.”

On August 2, Nick will be honored at a Lafayette Aviators game against the Chillicothe Paints. Tickets purchased using the code FUND2022 will be placed under a GoFundMe account to help him with his medical bills.

A Facebook fundraiser that aims to help Nick was also created. His cousin, Richard Stair also made him another GoFundMe account.

“Like I keep saying, it’s not like I’m some superstar hero,” Nick concluded. “I was at the right place, the right time, and, I guess, the right person.”

Watch Nick’s unparalleled bravery by watching the breathtaking video below.

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Source: Positive Outlooks, Twitter
